maxchenchen's Forum Posts

  • Hi everybody,

    I?am working on a "jetpack joyride"-game for mobile devices. Unfortunally is there a problem in the animation. Everytime the game is running on a mobile device the movement will be modified by colliding an solid object. It seems the protagonist will be faster by colliding. The modification is only in cocoonjs. In google chrome everything works fine.

    Did anybody know this problem?

  • Hi everbody,

    currently I�m working on a game-project like jetpack-joyride. Now I�m looking for a good movement plugin to move all the objects in for-, middle- and background.

    I�ve tested some options with the movement possibilities in c2 to create a good movement but in all of the cases the objects are jerking. The stutters are only in ios and android. Chrome on pc makes no trouble. But jetpack joyride runs actually on devices like iphone 3g very smooth. So there must be a way to fix this problem.

    For a better understanding: The objects have different sizes. There are small objects i.e. 128x128px or big objects i.e. 1024x1024px. In movement there are no differents in jerking by small or big objects. The speed is between 300-400. I�ve tested to move the protagonist only, I�ve tested to move the objects only....jerking. I�ve tested different movement behavious like "in8positions", "custom-movement", "bullet"...

    Is there already a plugin to fix that?

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  • Pode: Now I read your post again. Is it right you�ll be install the app for one testing, then you�ll uninstall it and then you�ll reinstall for new testing via synchronisation in itunes? It seems very complicated...

  • Pode: Yes, I know. I�ve tested my app by an android-phone and everythings fine after restart the lauchner. Only in ios 5.1.1 there�s no possibility by restarting the lauchner. I�ll ever seen my app running and not the startscreen from the launcher...

  • I�ve closed the app with the iphone-button. Is there another way?

  • Hello everyone,

    I?am new in the construct comunity and works with the cocoonjs launcher in ios (iphone4).

    Everytime I?ve started my app in the launcher, there is no way out to startscreen! I?ve stopped launching by using the iphone-button and restart it there is only the endscreen of my app but not the startscreen from the launcher. Is there anywhere a backbutton or something like that?

    The launchers startscreen I?ll only see again after restart my iphone! <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />