matrixreal's Forum Posts

  • good example

    for me i make game at 640,1136 and i try to centrate it .... and use scale inner mode

    thats work on all device ...

  • hi,

    i would like to incorporate appirater in my application ?

    but sincerly i dont understand at all

    here is link ... r/fr.lproj

    any one have tested it yet ?


  • thanks a lot

  • gi,

    i have for example same player character with 3 color

    i want that every start of new player , the player change color randomly !!!! how i do it ?


  • add update to 1.1

    whats new ?

    -add fruits collect

    -'facebook and twitter share score (worked thanks colludium)

    -add rate button

    -fix score (by using sprite font)

    -some bug fixed (trying to optimise script code even sheet and performance)

    but still same ... game is runing good on ipad 1 and iphone 4s (and surely for higher) but still some microfreez and bad performance on iphone 4 (playable but freez some times)

    any way thanks to all

  • 2d game (but appears like 3d) if you understand me ....

  • hi,


    i have just one question

    have you problem regarding performance on iphone 4 ?

  • I tested your game on my good old ipad 2. It has a few slowdowns, when there are many objects on screen, but it's very playable!

    thanks a lot for reporting

    new update will be released these days (apple take time to review apps) , i will post it here when its ok

    i hope this update will fix performance issues (and if you can tel me if it will be better will be great from you)


  • mmm ok

    try to do what i say

    make your game at 640,1136 and centrate it

    use scale inner

    and will be ok for all resolution

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  • >

    > hi

    > thanks for report


    > size was big problem for me


    > i dont understand them at all and take me a lot of time


    > what i use is ... that my game is based on 640,1136 (iphone 5) and i centrate it .... and use scale inner

    > so when it run on 640,1136 .... it run normal

    > when its on 640,940 it run with little top and bottom removed (but i ajust them on 640,1136) so that seem to display good on both


    forgot to say that i liked the mortal kombat bit dont know if any legal problems arise from there.

    thanks for the input, i made the mistake of working at full HD for the art (1920x1080) and now im in quite a performance pickle in ip4, not only because of the memory wasted on images, but the aspect ratio which is 1.5 and not 1.77, im going to take another look at the video from ArcadEd for support on multiple screens.

    i dont know how to check the memory ration ?

    and can you give me link to ArcadEd video about memory sizing multiple ?

    and soon update will be released for fix performance on iphone 4 (its seem that now it work quicker than before)

  • nice, congratz!, tested on my ip4 seems to run well, the problem i get is that when i get close to the tubes the game sort of micro-freezes for a moment, i think this could be because of your player near tube collision check?

    i wanted to ask you what layout resolution and if you are upscaling sprites to keep the game memory footprint low


    thanks for report

    size was big problem for me

    i dont understand them at all and take me a lot of time

    what i use is ... that my game is based on 640,1136 (iphone 5) and i centrate it .... and use scale inner

    so when it run on 640,1136 .... it run normal

    when its on 640,940 it run with little top and bottom removed (but i ajust them on 640,1136) so that seem to display good on both

  • thanks to ChrisAlgoo Ldk


    i dont know what is IAP ??? lol

    ejecta is simple but not powerful and limited (except if you know how to modify on index.js and modify library and plugin)

    cocconjs is more powerfull and improved nut complicated for me

    like you see, in my game , game center and iad work good ... no ? what is your report ?

    about 5c , yes on 4s,5,5s game is runing good

    but on iphone 4, the performance is average , specially you enter on special lever (try to get score more than 30 and you will see and understand) but only on iphone 4

    on 3gs and 3g (i have not tested) and i dont want to test because iam sure that will be catastroph

  • I Matrixreal your game is really smooth and playable...

    but I want to know more about

    " everytick -5*60*dt"

    please explain....



    you sure that my game is playable on iphone 4 ?

    i will release new version will more and best performance ...

    about every tick

    for example

    if you want like my game , the pipie moving on every tick (set pipe.X-5) you replace it by (set pipe.X-5*60*dt)

    other trick to get maximum performance is to destroy object outside layout (that preserve some memory) and to check collisions enable only if is near player for example (if x of pipe equal or less than player.X+2)

    dont forget to animation ... set animation to play from begining only if its on screen (that optimise much of performance in my case)

    and the final trick is to do what ashley and aphrodite say ... memory magement of ejecta and (set to transparent of layer, sampling to point, clear background to no and PIXEL ROUNDING TO ON)

    all that testing performance take me time of 5 days and here is final what i can do


  • mmmm ok

    is it necessary to disable all collisions object (for example desable collisions of background)

    or only object that have collisions script in events ???

    and what is difference between collisions and overlap ?

  • what do you you think ?