matrixreal's Forum Posts

  • hi

    can you just tell me if its encoded properly :



    and i dont think that work with ejecta

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  • iam using ejecta ... maybe its different with cocconjs and ejecta ? no ?

  • what you encode exactly ? only linkswith http or all

  • ok thanks colludium i will try it later and post result

  • hi

    any one tested or have trick how to submit score or highscore to facebook and twitter ?


  • hi aphrodite

    with your tricks i get excellent performance on iphone 4s

    on iphone 4 , before i do your trick it was very very slow ... now with your trick it goes little faster than iphone 4S you understand me ?

  • > hi,

    > i want to know how can i do pause game with very tick


    > explain :


    > iam using every tick ---- set x of background to background.X-5

    > but when i when to make pause (by set time scale to 0) the game is pause but the background stil move


    > thanks


    if instead of doing set x of background to background.X-5, you do set x of background to background.X-5*60*dt, not only the pause will work, but also if the framerate takes a hit during gameplay, the speed of the background in pixels/sec will not be affected.


    i dont know how to thank you

    that work ... and the "X-5*60*dt" save performance and optimisation on iphone 4

    now work fine and i solve my problem regarding iphone 4 (you remember in another post)

  • hi,

    i want to know how can i do pause game with very tick

    explain :

    iam using every tick ---- set x of background to background.X-5

    but when i when to make pause (by set time scale to 0) the game is pause but the background stil move


  • mmm ok

    i just tru to optimise my game by reducing at maximum all collisions and polygone colisions

    i get results ... gameplay is fast but just first 5 secondes

    that mean when i lunch it on iphone 4 and go playng game, it run normal but after 5 , 6 seconds game go slower

    on iphone 4s no problem all seem to be good

    any idea about that mr.silver or mr.ashley ?

  • You should not use create object every 0.01 seconds, because thats faster than the threshold for 60 fps (16ms).

    iPhone 4 is just awful, and thats the truth of it. I believe the 4S is still the bulk of the market, with iPhone 5 replacing it quickly.

    yes i know

    but the problem that i not playing good with c2 this why .... i will try optimise it

    about ejecta 1.5 , mr.ashley say that he include all about it on his memory management patch ... its true that the game load faster but performance on game still same

    have you an game on appstore to see your work ?


  • Its sad how bad the iPhone 4 is, particles destroy its performance when on an Android phone released at similar times runs fine.

    Might have to draw the line and just aim for iPhone 5 for my future games.

    yes iphone 4 is really poor ... and if we make application or game we have to improve performance for all device ... specially iphone 4 ... because owner of iphone 4 is bigger than 4s or 5 (low cost its normal)

    but tell me have you tryed with ejecta 1.5 ? maybe it will be better ?

    because it say on ejecta forum that performance are good with canvas 2D and webgl too

    the problem that for example my game is simple

    but i use a lot of (set x , move to top , move to bottom , create object every 0.01 seconds )... thats the problem

  • hi i just try it

    nothing change for me

    still bad performance on iphone 4

  • yes i use on collisions

  • i just try it now ...

    when i use on screnn condition with collisions

    it still calculate collisions even when object is outside screen

    and if destroy the object it will calculate 0 collisions

    try an example ...

  • [quote:nsvayk0p]yes

    and if thats like you said better add condition to collisions script

    for example like i said

    if object A (player) is on collisions with object B (ennemy)

    and if object B is on screen

    this will tel to construct engine to calculate colissions only if object B is on screen

    ??? am i logic ?

    I would still say no, I don't see any evidence that it should matter in regards to collision checks. As you can test it pretty easy. Make 2 sprites and put them on the layout.

    In the code you write "On collision object 1 with object 2" that would give you 60 collisions checks, if you move one of the objects out of the layout you get 0 collision checks. So to check if its on layout doesn't matter.

    yes you get reason

    is on layout or on screen it will still calculate same collisions BUT if we destroy the object it will reduce ...