matriax's Forum Posts

  • I'm trying to do a Point & Click adventure game and wonder if there is a plugin that keep a list of items ordered that you can manipulate and retrieve.


    Player picks a : Pen, scissors and paper in that order so i add in that inventory and is saved like:






    If the player give the scissors then Erase > Inventory.Scissors and the list saved will look like this:





    If the player pick a mobile then Add > Inventory Mobile and will look like this:






    A plugin that manage and keep updated/ordered a list on you can add, delete and retrieve the elements.

    So for the sprite.inventory on i have all the image items saved in different animations i clone it to 4 or the slots i want my game have for the inventory and set: "For each Sprite.InventorySlot -> Set animation to "" . This will be so easy instead of fight again with arrays that i always end frustrated.

  • I need to use files for translation purposes, so i can send it and load after.

  • I have the game using .XML but if is possible i want to create my own system with my needs. Also for translations to have a english.txt, german.txt ,etc...

    My idea is have a sprite with an instance variable called "home_chair" so when the mouse is over the chair get the name("Old Chair) that is the first line. If i set look+chair then retrieve the second line: "Is an old chair i bought time ago" .

    How looks the text file:


    Old Chair

    Is an old chair i bought time ago

    Can't be picked

    Can't talk with it


    All objects will have the same structure:

    [Object instance]

    Name (When the mouse is over the object)









    I search in the systems expresions with find(src), replace, right, tokenAt,etc... but i can't get it working.

    Maybe there is a plugin, behaviours or something to do it more easy?

  • armaldio This can works for Point & Click adventures? i have in mind do something for a jam and my idea was use .xml but a bit confusing and looking alternatives found your plugin.

    My idea is import the dialogs files to C2 like:

    English.txt, German.txt, etc...

    (In events set wich one use by user input.)

    Then for objects in the scene the sprite have an instance variable called "Object name" with:


    So, when i set one of the action+Object name = read the dialog file with things like this:

    [Object instance]










    That in this case will be:



    Its $time

    Can't be used

    Can't be picked

    Can't be opened

    Can't be closed

    Can't be given

    Can't be pushed

    Can't talk with it

    Can your plugin do this?

  • Ops forgot that! Thanks.

    What about the other transitions forms and shapes? More interested in bars horizontal/vertical like the animation i posted or like the ones appears in the video links. From the most basic to whatever cool can we get

  • Gigatron one problem i found is that when i add the transition effect to the layout, this one disappears and i can't edit the objects in the layout :S .

    How can i fix that?

  • If like in my case you not need diagonals(8) and only with horizontal-vertical(4) is enough here the .fx with the limitation.

    Will be great some option in the parameter to set if you want diagonals or not, but well this is what i can do with my actual skills XD.

    // Outline effect
    varying mediump vec2 vTex;
    uniform lowp sampler2D samplerFront;
    precision highp float;
    uniform highp float pixelWidth;
    uniform highp float pixelHeight;
    uniform highp float red;
    uniform highp float green;
    uniform highp float blue;
    uniform highp float width;
    uniform highp float justoutline;
    void main(void)
    	vec4 front = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex);
    	float dx = pixelWidth*width;
    	float dy = pixelHeight*width;
        float diag = 0.7071;
    	/* If you need diagonals
        float a0 = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex + vec2(-dx*diag, dy*diag)).a;
        float a1 = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex + vec2(dx*diag, -dy*diag)).a;
        float a2 = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex + vec2(-dx*diag, -dy*diag)).a;
        float a3 = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex + vec2(dx*diag, dy*diag)).a;
        float a4 = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex + vec2(-dx, 0.0)).a;
        float a5 = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex + vec2(dx, 0.0)).a;
        float a6 = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex + vec2(0.0, dy)).a;
        float a7 = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex + vec2(0.0, -dy)).a;
        // If you need diagonals float ina=max(max(max(max(max(max(max(a0,a1),a2),a3),a4),a5),a6),a7)-front.a;
        float ina=max(max(max(a4,a5),a6),a7)-front.a;
            float outa = ina + front.a*(1.0-ina);
            vec3 outrgb = (vec3(red/255.0, green/255.0, blue/255.0)*ina + front.rgb*front.a*(1.0-ina));
            gl_FragColor = vec4(outrgb, outa);
        else if(ina>0.0)
            gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(red/255.0, green/255.0, blue/255.0)*ina, ina);
  • Damn, I missed this, i have to watch the FX forum all the days XD.

    I searched time ago for something like this for do 2.5D games or a WolfEinstein with all types of transformation, and yes something like this for sprites will be interesting.

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  • Gigatron Thanks! Now the circle on Transition 2 works correctly.

    On transition 1 with block size at 0.25 or 0.1 get interesting results with some kind of Star/Rhomb that can fit perfect in the game too. Also with a 64 block size i have some kind of ordered dithering that looks awesome :O

  • Gigatron That effect curtain is not what i'm looking for, but the transition .FX looks cool!! .

    I don't know if you can work on this again to improve, maybe start a thread showing this and see how people is interested and if worth it.

    In case you are able to work on this again, here are more ideas:

    About Transition 0:

    The squares with a big size looks ok, but if i try to use them at small size like 1x, 2x,etc.. you can see the pattern :S

    Now they appear with some kind of seed. Will be great some option to appear ordered in horizontal/vertical/diagonal to the opposite.

    About Transition 1:

    The circle effect is good but is a ellipse , i guess is because i'm using a 16:9 and the effect stretch to the window size instead of keep a 1x1 circle ratio.

    Also will be great have this type of transition for squre/rectangle/rhomb/bar(horizontal\vertical).


    When the effect is finished, if i restart the layout not start again. Maybe this is more a problem of my project config but i can't get it, any idea?.

  • Gigatron Oh Great!

    Also i'm looking for this one:

    I did it as animation in pixels for a lowres game. Will be great something like this on you can set the direction like Up/Down/Left/Right, set how many black bars you want and speed.

    So, how a shader editor for transitions will be very tricky, for a presets one maybe something with parameters like this:

    Type: List with: Square, Circle, Bars...

    (General values that works on all types)

    Speed: Based in miliseconds i guess .

    Position X: Using 0-1. So 0.5 on both X/Y will do the shape starting from the center. With 0-both diagonal,etc....

    Position Y: Using 0-1.

    Direction: List with Up/Down/Left/Right

    Fade: List with In/Out

    • Then config values that only works for one of the types

    [Square] BlaBla bla...

    [Square] BlaBla bla...

    [Circle] BlaBla bla...

    [Circle] BlaBla bla...

    [Bars] List with Horizontal/Vertical


    What you think?

  • Is possible do a shader that applied on a layout/layer do a fade-out from black or X color and disappear? Using squares, circles, bars, diagonal, curtain... some tipical transitions we have in video editors but in a shader.

    About presets here a lot of ideas: ... transition

    Love this glitch transitions: ... ?s_rank=19

    Instead of do 1x1 maybe there is some way to create a "Transition shader editor" ? In the same way i did the Shader Effect Editor?: effect-shader-effect-amp-editor-released-create-your-shader_t150076 .

    That shader editor was build from a simple fire shader that i converted adding and parsing all the values in the .fx to the .xml. So, there is a template and a stand alone version to create your own shaders with a big variety.

    Now i not have much time if not i will give a try but something like that for transitions will be so cool. If not as i said at least the basic ones will be great.

    Gigatron what you think? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes">

  • I was looking time ago for something like this but not RGB based. Is there any chance to use Hex Values?

    To add colors like:

    1: F0F0DC

    2: FAC800

    3: 10C840


    Instead of fill 3 parameters for one color. So Instead of use 48 parameters for 16 colors we only had to fill 16.

  • So, this creates the normal map of the giving image? I guess, something like this program does: ?

    Instead of use print screen, why no add a paster/canvas plugin and with a button save the result as .png in the folder you want? This will make the workflow more fast.

  • Some Questions for Tom and Ashley


    When you use lots of particles,sprites,etc... you need to add them in the C2 layout, and in events set an event saying: "On start layout | Particles>Destroy , Bullets>Destroy,etc..." .

    C3 will solve this?


    Doing pixelart games most of times we need a .ttf font with pixeled fonts and most of them we get an error like this:

    Even for non pixelart fonts sometimes we get that error. Using other engines or as a web font works correctly. I don't know exactly what is the problem, but in C3 this is already fixed?


    For text boxes on properties we only can set one line text that includes plugins/Behaviours. C3 will allow multi-line text boxes? Maybe some text area thing?


    There will be any possibility to work with binary information?. When i was trying to do some 2D app, for save the content i had to use .json for the info and save images as Base64, that increases a lot the final size of the project.


    For Plugin/Behaviours will be some way to include images by default or set them in the properties tab? For example a Pulse/Shockwave behaviour added on the Player, with all the properties in the left pad like what key to press to apply, time, size,etc... and some presets or default images already built-in on the behaviour ready to use or the option to add or set.


    About families some times doing a platformer i use sprites but also tiled-backgrounds that makes the construction more fast for solid objects and improve perfomance.

    But to apply the same action i have to create various families if they are from different plugins, and add separate events with the same action.

    For example If player dies with collision with Family.Sprite.Enemies & Family.TiledBackground.Enemies that can be a block of spikes, lava or whatever. Or for moving objects like sprites/text boxes, tiles backgrounds, buttons... i have to set it for each family.

    Will be great some "Plugin Family" or whatever on you can add a group of families/plugins that shares the same actions, or another object interact with them with the same action.


    Talking about tiled backgrounds, why not have the same properties like the Sprite? For example animations. Or simply combine both to have in the Sprite plugin the option to scale using repeat instead of stretch.


    I saw the live preview blog post that shows the shadow caster in action. The shadow caster still only works correctly with squares? last time i tested it using complex sprites or using the penumbra was totally a mess. Only got good results with square sprites and penumbra at minimun.

    In case not, here some raycast idea i saw recently: .

    Also will be possible add some fade-out to the shadow? I mean something like this:


    C3 will have some built-in Fade-In/Fade-Out transitions effects between layouts?