Hi! i looked your request and i think for this you could use the vanilla dictionary instead.
So recently i was working in a series of plugins to power up my own projects and i made a wrap of a couple of vanilla plugins between them is a wrap of dictionary, which i modified so we can manipulate something i called "string list keys" that is nothing new, actually that is a new way to manage string keys, so you can trait a key like this "A,B,somehting else,C..." where character "," is a separator defining a list of elements, "A" "B" and so on, so you can add new items to that list at end or at its start, or retrive an item knowing its index, even remove items by index or value and occurency, this is a "shortcut" way to use the system function tokenat, with dictionary keys instead.
I hope this could help you
there is a link.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
PD: sorry my bad english not my native language.