lucid's Forum Posts

  • is it possible with python to reference a specific instance of an object?

    especially by some type of index

    like instead of saying

    if object.privateindex =1 then, object.x = 5

    say something more like object(1).x = 5

    more details of the question at

  • I love it! this is just the kinda thing i was thinking about in my ik posts. i never thought to use beziers to control the walking animation itself. that's pretty clever. procedurally generated animation through bones, though. so exciting, to see it done already, in construct, lets me know i'm not going down a hopeless road. you rock quazi

  • I was using the monster dead as an example for simplicity's sake

    I actually need to do some interpolation


    let's say the player clicks and drags number 3 down

    I want to interpolate 3.y (loopindex)and 1.y(loopindex-2),

    and 3.y(loopindex) and 5.y(loopindex+2) to find new positions for 2 and 4

    1   56789
    would there be a way to do something like that?
    edit: I just thought of a way that might work, but I won't get to test it out until after work, so maybe create an array that stores the unique IDs of each object instance.  would there be a way to say set UID.x to something, or you can't access objects by their UIDs?
  • ah!


  • maybe I'm overthinking this, but

    I still can't get it to work

    I made a new cap, created a canvas object, created a sprite and moved it over the canvas

    made a "start of layout" event that pastes the object to the canvas

    and then moves the object to reveal the pasted object

    nothing there

    what am I doing wrong, or could you bust a cap so I can see?


  • let's say you have a sprite called "monster"

    I make a loop that pastes 20 monsters in a row at runtime

    then I want to have a loop that does something along the lines of

    if monster(loopindex) is dead then monster(loopindex-1) move here

    I know it's possible in a roundabout way to reference a certain monster by index

    by creating a private variable

    called monsterindex

    and then making two conditions like

    loop i

    if monsterindex = loopindex

    then your actions

    but it's difficult and cumbersome to do something where I select the current loop index

    and the next four monsters, and do something slightly different with each

    so is it possible to just reference instances by some type of sequential index?

    like an array of objects?

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  • I can't get it to do anything?

  • nevermind

    found it! the "force to texture" thing?

    thanks, that's exactly what I needed!

  • thanks..I can't find "grab before rendering" though

  • the direct 2d demo showed bezier curves being rendered at high framerates with antialiasing as part of the demonstration. I'm pretty sure it's to be used for vector stuffs. which won't necessarily help construct, especially since it probably won't be out any time soon, but I think down the line, it'll make it so vector graphic based games will become more prevalent. beziers and 2d polygons won't be so cpu intensive, and more complex vector graphics may become possible during gameplay.

  • hardware accelerated vector graphics

    this should be good

  • bump (sorry so soon), I can see this is going to getting drowned rather quickly though.

  • in the construct main page it says the devs are all volunteers. does that mean construct isn't even someone's college thesis or anything? just curious. either way, you guys rock.

  • that's awesome

  • on a happier note, construct is by far the quickest and easiest of these game makers to use, and the forums here always get quick responses, so remaking something from scratch will be as painless as possible. read the wiki and tutorials and post questions if you run into any bumps

    welcome to the forums