lucid's Forum Posts

  • click to change in each one. of course they didn't have to look different than the originals, but it illustrates that it's a new object at that point



    if you find the animation of the unhinging to be a little awkward, it's because the center of gravity is instantly switched. it's possible to get around that. this may be accurate enough for your purposes though

  • you can do both by replacing the object with one that looks the same

    and destroying the original in the same event

    copy the x and y coordinates

    copy the angle

    and if it's a hinge you should copy the angular velocity also

    so the movement stays natural

    I can post a cap if you cant get it to work

    Ive done this before, so it definitely works

  • Is this the effect you're going for?

    not quite

    this is the effect I'm going for

    only without cheating by having a clone of the background.

    if I had a bunch of sprites and things animating behind this layer, I would still want it to work, so the method I used in this cap won't due. But it shows the effect I'm going for

  • Why don't you just crop the circle?

    I need the huge square to mask the rest of the screen. I don't want to see anything except for what's behind the circle. if I crop the circle, it won't hide the background. here I posted a cap to show the problem:

    move around sprite3, so you can see what I mean. I want the pink square to only be revealed by the circle. I realize I could've made sprite three bigger, but that's what I'm trying to avoid. if I would have cropped it, it really wouldn't work at all. this cap also let's you see how distracting and difficult it is to move around an invisible mask with a huge border. I plan to have many on screen at once to create a variety of effects.

  • thanks for the suggestions guys

    but neither is exactly what I meant

    let's say you have a background

    and you want to see the whole background at all times

    on top of the background (on the next layer) you have a sprite of a ghost and a circle

    you don't want to see the circle, but you want to use the circle as a mask to reveal the ghost

    so the ghost is invisible except for parts that are overlapped by the circle

    I can do this by making a huge transparent square sprite with an opaque circle in the middle and using mask, or a huge opaque square sprite with a transparent circle in the middle using erase. I'm trying to figure out a combination of layer and sprite effects, where I can just have the circle by itself, without needing a huge square around it. even if I need a huge square sprite I have to reuse, I don't mind. I just want the circle I'm using as a mask to be separate from the huge square, so I can move it and reshape it freely without worrying about whether the square is covering the rest of the screen.

  • I have a feeling the answer may end up being obvious, is there an effect or a technique to do the opposite of what mask does, only reveal a certain part of the layer, because, for now, if I want to reveal only a small circle of a layer using a mask, I need to use a huge transparent png that takes up the whole screen with a small circle in the middle of it. is there an easier way?

  • thanks

    I guess I'll be upgrading then

  • sorry, I know this is probably posted elsewhere, but I can't find it in search, probably cuz I'm tired. Does construct work in vista 64?

    thanks guys and gals

  • oh wow

    thanks, I can't wait to post a cap of the stuff I've been working on

    construct is about 1903891283 times more amazing then I even thought possible

  • I made a sprite, white fading to no opacity

    when I turn the mask effect on, the white part is see through

    and the transparent parts are black

    I thought it would make whatever was under the transparent parts invisible,

    the background of my project I made blue, so I could make sure it wasn't just masking all the way to the bottom

    any help would be appreciated

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  • gotcha

    could someone please reupload the softbody meatballs or whatever to a nonlame webspace then

    I'm really curious to see it

  • [quote:2xrv7l5y]Heres what happens if you give the particles a physics movement, then apply springs between the particles, and then render a mesh to where those particles are ...

    And thanks everyone for the examp

    ok, am I supposed to have to download some IOJ program to download these files?

    it always takes me to a page like this: ...

    and I hate downloaders, I just want to download the cap, not an extra program to help me download the cap


    every time I download an example with drag and drop behavior

    it makes me remove the behavior and re-add it for it to work

    it's called drag&drop when I open the cap and it doesn't work

    I remove the behavior and re-add it and it's called dragdrop

    and it does. I reinstalled construct recently, and it still does this

  • yay

    I had no idea there were so many other people looking for 2d skinning

  • it is possible to program this in manually with sprite distortion

    I was working on this when I got the flu, so I won't be able to post an example soon

    obviously not as easy and fun as if it were automatic, but it is possible