lucid's Forum Posts

  • yeah, this is awesome news.

    the "which key pressed" from keyboard and controller would be quite useful at the point as well

    to be able to set keys the cool way

  • is it possible to limit the effects to certain layers

    for instance. I want layer 3 to have a magnify effect on it

    we should see layer 2 get magnified according to the image on layer 3

    and layer 1 underneath layer 2, but not getting magnified by layer 3

    if there is another way to do it with offscreen layers or canvases or something

    that would be fine, too.


  • Yeah for 0.99 i'm going to go over all the stuff like that and code a proper system that allows you to paste/clone objects with all their effects, behaviours, variables, attributes, families, etc and move them between applications. I also plan to have events copying event sheets between applications too. Hopefully once objects copy across properly (remembering their behaviours etc) it will be possible to make entire layers and entire layouts copy across. I'm also toying with the idea of having event groups linked to objects, so if you copy an object from one application to another, it will also copy a group of events...but yeah its gonna be quite a challenge

    Perfect. I need all of that. Taken together, it's almost like a way to make custom behaviors that you code with construct.

  • is python still broken btw?

  • > Yeahhh quicksave/load is completely broken


    It's working fine here. Have you put a .cap on the tracker etc?

    the new version seems to break caps made with older versions, for instance. I can make a new cap of a simple physics platform experiment I made the exact same way I made it before and it works, but if I load the old one. object freezes, and detect collisions where there is no object. I can't even create new custom collision masks to fix the problem, the old .cap is simply broken. I don't mind it, as I was only testing some ideas, just saying this is what could have happened to you hideous.

    Ashley wrote:- [FIX] Physics: Hotspots are now considered (however the motion will still be from the centre of mass)

    hotspots seem to be considered the center of gravity. this is how it worked before I thought, am I misinterpreting your meaning?

  • > - [FIX] Physics: Hotspots are now considered (however the motion will still be from the centre of mass)


    what do you mean?

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  • thank you

    ok, well, rather than starting another thread for this, is it possible to create behaviors that have dependencies on other behaviors? for instance, could I make a plugin that requires the object to also have platform behavior applied and uses actions and accesses properties from the platform behavior as it applies to that object?

  • the plugin tutorial was helpful, but i still have alot of questions. is it possible to view source for phys/keybrd/bones(any or all) ? it would be very helpful.

  • - [FIX] Physics: Hotspots are now considered (however the motion will still be from the centre of mass)

    what do you mean?

  • Or use distance(0, 0, Sprite3[Physics].VelocityX, Sprite3[Physics].VelocityY)

    I was looking for a distance function. can't believe I didn't see that the first time. at least now I now how to do exponents, too

    thanks again ash

  • thanks ash

  • I'm with quazi on this one

    specially the polygons

    also GM had textured polygons

    gradient fills is another idea down the line

    games that draw all sorts of interesting geometric shapes that are player controlled in some interesting way

    not just random shapes, but objects like characters that deform according to physics (soft bodies)

    you could make scenes that don't lose detail regardless of how much you zoom

    smooth animations with any amount of frames but no extra ram usage

    basically anything you could do with a vector graphics program

    granted, yes, those types of things would take some major math

    but I agree with quazi that without some extra features canvas's feature set seems pretty sparse

    even for simpler applications. not that I'm complaining, construct freakin rocks, but I noticed the same thing

    I was trying to make a vector graphics engine with gm, but the math to convert an arbitrary arrangement of points into a triangle list totally slowed down the interpreter after about 20 points.

    and once I added bezier curves (even rough ones), it was clear it wasn't going to happen. construct is much faster, I'd love to have another crack at something like that

    filled polygons + layers + opacity + pixel shaders = heaven

  • thanks guys!

    this was getting a little cumbersome:



  • x to the y power

    exp() ?

    where do I put the x and the y?

  • thanks quazi, but

    The above, however, ignores the fact that many DirectInput controllers, such as gamepads with dual analog sticks and racing wheel controller sets, already map triggers and pedals independently. In addition, many DirectInput devices also have vibration effects. There is at least one driver, XBCD, that gives the Xbox 360 controllers the vibration support, dead zones and (optionally) independent triggers through DirectInput. This indicates Microsoft's Xbox 360 controller driver intentionally has weaker DirectInput support, rather than due to any differences between DirectInput and XInput APIs. On the other hand, Xbox 360 controller and XInput support only very basic control of vibration motors[4][5] in contrast with great palette of various effects supported by DirectInput.[6] The XBCD driver emulates support of these DirectInput vibration effects in driver and translates them to simple commands for each motor in controller. This approach makes reproduction of some DirectInput effects inaccurate.

    The XInput API also currently has limits that DirectInput does not:

    * Supports only "next generation" controllers. This limits it basically to controllers for the Xbox 360 that also have Windows drivers. Legacy Windows controllers are not supported.

    * Maximum of four controllers at a time. This is an Xbox limit that is carried over to Windows. Although there are currently few PC games that need more than four controllers at once, this seems like an arbitrary restriction as DirectInput has no such limitation.

    * Does not support keyboards, mice, or mouse-type devices. While this mirrors Microsoft's recommendation not to use DirectInput with these devices, it is possible to use DirectInput with these devices.

    * Support for only 4 axes, 10 buttons, 2 triggers and 8-direction digital pad per controller, compared to DirectInput's support for 8 axes, 128 buttons, and full-range POV. (Incidentally, the number of axes, buttons and triggers XInput supports corresponds directly to the Xbox 360 controller.)

    Currently, XInput is for Xbox 360 controllers, while DirectInput is for any controller.

    I guess I was going to have to learn python sooner or later

    thanks for the quick replies guys

    btw, quazi, could you post a cap of that custom shadow map thingy you did?