I really don't understand questions like these. It's like being handed a box of crayons, and the first thing you say is "Hmm... nice crayons and all, but could I draw a cat with these crayons? Because I seriously doubt someone could draw a cat with these crayons."
It's like you're trying to trip us up. "Oh, hehe... cats, you say? Oh my, how embarrassing! No, I'm sorry, you couldn't possibly draw a cat with these crayons. A fire truck, maybe, but definitely no cats."
A cat has nothing to do with crayons, and "spells and teleporting" have nothing to do with programming a game. You can use the crayons to draw whatever you want, and you can use Construct to make whatever you want. If you couldn't draw cats, they wouldn't be very good crayons, would they?
A better question would be "Can these crayons draw with infrared light?" And the answer is YES THEY CAN! THEY ARE MAGIC CRAYONS!
And guess what? Construct can draw with infrared light, too... someone wrote a WiiMote plugin. But no, there is no way to export your game to XBOX360.
The easier a program is to use, the more you're going to get questions like these. Why? Because it attracts people who aren't programmers (nobody who uses programs like these, are programmers, there's no programming involved and you're not a programmer by using them, it's like a modder calling himself a developer, or a college student with no real world experience, claiming they know better, it's a bit of a joke, haha) The guys who wrote construct, they're programmers. At the same time, the easier a program is to use, the more limitations appear, simply because the creators can't think of everything or prepare for everything, and all software has limitations. Therefore it's a perfectly valid post to make, asking if this or that can be done. Especially when people run around claiming construct can do everything, when the reality of it is, it can't.
So it might piss people off to hear "oh oh can you make spells n **** with it?" but if you think about it, it's a completely normal question for someone who's never used it before to ask. They aren't programmers, that's why they're here using something like this, and not on a C++ forum. We're talking people off the street, the average joe, probably with little or no experience, sees something that says you can make games with no programming, what do you expect from them? They're attracted by the appeal of making games, but may or may not know what's involved. So to them, a regular user with no programming experience or developer experience, a characters "spell" is a spell, not a collection of events and variables. Yes I admit, reading instructions, wiki pages, manuals would answer a lot of the questions that get asked. But really, you can ask people to do that all you want, it's a known FACT that most simply wont. It's "so much easier and quicker" to ask on a forum.. supposedly, lol. It's been that way for years, and it wont change for a long time.
Not to mention the fact that a complicated programming type answer is utterly useless to someone with no programming knowledge, when all they wanted to know is "can it do that?", they can go into details and learn how later. They just want a readable understandable answer for now.
Seriously, there is a very real problem with newbie hate and elitism on these forums and it's unwarranted and happening a lot.
Programmers (e.g. Ashley, David and the plugin creators)
Developers (people with real commercial experience)
Modders (people who mod game engines or create TC's)
Game Makers <-- this is where construct and other apps like it are, along with us, the users.
We all use construct, we're all in the same boat, we're all here for the same reason, to make games without the need to program, and the majority aren't going to be crack coders or immediately familiar with the event system "scripting" that exists in the application OR what construct is capable of, that's why many are here, to make games without having to learn a programming language to do it, that's the whole point of an application like this, to make it easier, to appeal to the masses where the prospect of using C/C++/C# etc. is too daunting or beyond the grasp of the user. This appeals to both the guy off the street looking for an easy way to make games just for the fun of it, or those with years of real experience in commercial game development (as is the case with myself and at least one other user I'm aware of on the forum) who either can't program or don't have the time/interest, or have worked with enough programmers to know how infuriating they are to work with closely on a project and wish to avoid them as much as possible. There's going to be a mix of all kinds of users on here, which means a mix of all level of questions and queries, and not everyone is going to be a mathematical genius.
If the user is from the modding community (which is going to be very common), then expect lots of "can it do this and that" questions because that's what they're used to. DaviX is likely a modder, probably played around with modding Source or the Crytek engines, or maybe dabbled with UDK. All those are setup to begin with for a particular kind of game and the only real part of them seen by many, is building maps and making events (can you see the confusion here now?) make a map, add a player start, add a few objects to do this or that, bit of scripting for creating events, and then compile and run, simples. If that's a users only real experience, then they're going to assume construct is the same.
As for his "can you make games for the Xbox360" question. No, I don't think you should look down on that either, for the above reasons, to someone off the street, that's a perfectly valid question too (yes it could be answered easily with research but again, the "it's quicker to ask on forums" syndrome comes into play, blame the internet and the I want it now generation, lol). But not everyone will know automatically if something can or can't be done, after all, Xbox IS practically a PC, and there are other apps out there capable of it in some way (legality aside), there are many cases of homebrew games being made for consoles, and while doing so is not easy, fans of that will always be looking for an easier way to do it.
Doesn't construct have a FAQ somewhere? Which can be linked to when someone first posts, which will cover all the common questions people ask, and give decent answers to them, both advanced and basic. So they don't have to ask on here and be made to feel unwanted or thick, just because they didn't know. I think that would be more beneficial than getting angry with people.