Lost my Keys's Forum Posts

  • Hi.

    I like the idea too! But have a few questions:

    ?Record at 25fps at 720p HD resolution? ? what should be the screen resolution? 1280x720 (16:9) ? And what if the original game is 640x480 (4:3)? Capture it in 640x480 (4:3) or remake the game in 1280x720 (16:9)? Or simply run the application in the fullscreen mode and capture as it is (4:3)?

    ?Use the standard MPEG format? ? MPEG 1 or MPEG 2? May I use MPEG 4?

    ?Don't include the audio? ? I would advise to leave the sound without music, i.e. original game sounds (sound of jumping, shooting, etc. ) + main musical theme which you will select for the showreel. I think it will keep the atmosphere and make the video more fun.

    Will only one person create and edit the video? Or everyone can try to make his own version of the showreel?

    I've previously worked in an advertising agency, made video ads and presentation films. And I have some ideas about what the final video should be. <img src="http://i987.photobucket.com/albums/ae352/constructgame/ge.gif">

    Well if you'd like to make the showreel from the submissions, go ahead.

  • I don't understand your insistence to use an ancient outdated codec when there's a better alternative that's a standard and used everywhere. I understand you don't want to mess around with a lot of esoteric codecs, but as long as it's either MPEG-1 or h.264, why does it matter which a person uses?

    Besides, I tried to post an MPEG-1 on the forms a while ago, and there were people who couldn't read that either. :/

    I could have said divX too

    But it's cool, I'll change the rules in the submission thread to allow for any codec.

  • Edit: Not directed at Arima who posted just before me dammit lol.

    No.. the problem is nobody is reading anything, there's a thread already been put up for submissions, with the rules, and the deadline. Anything other than that is just discussion. But at least you guys are discussing it in the RIGHT THREAD. *glares at deadeye, 6fix and Quazi* Hehe.

    So yeah, the option of exe OR video is there because there will always be people who can't do one thing but can do the other. There's a set format to use, mpeg, which is available to everyone with win2k and above (so no excuses at not being able to use it), there's a set resolution to use so the quality remains consistent in the video, and it's the lower end of the HD formats, so fewer will have issues with it, there's no requirement to include audio, which makes grabbing at a decent frame rate far easier, and also smaller files.

    Ashley, quit being so negative

  • There's the submission thread for everyone.

  • Here's a thread for you to upload your executable or video examples for possible inclusion in the "Official" construct Showreel.

    I've put the thread in here, so you can use the attachment feature for the smaller files, which might help those who can't use the other file sharing sites for one reason or another.

    If you need ideas, you can view the original montage video here

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Closing Date: You have until the 4th July 2010 to submit your demo or video. It might seem like a long way off right now, but believe me, the time will go fast.

    You can make as many submissions as you like, but please keep them in a single post, and please don't use this thread for commenting or questions. It should be submissions only. Also use file sharing services or locations which ensure your file will still be there on the 4th of July. Or obviously it wont be able to be included in the voting stage.

    Discussion related to the Showreel, questions, suggestions, comments etc. and so on, should be done in this thread


    Due to everyone uses different versions of construct, and compatibility issues which arise from that. Only compiled executables or videos are allowed. Video's are of course preferred over executables and naturally will ensure your submission looks exactly how you expect it to. Cap's will not be accepted due to the likelyhood of them not working correctly for others.

    Do not submit executables of games or demo's which effect the users machine in any way, for example: those ridiculous games that delete files. Doing so will void all your submissions. It's not big, it's not clever, and it's been done so many times, it's not original or creative either. Megaman clones are more creative than those!

    Only submissions included in this thread will be accepted. Your first post with it's submission(s) will be the one included, so place all your submissions within a single post. Further posts by the same user will be ignored, including anything submitted in them, (keeps the thread clean, and fair for everyone to be noticed equally).


    • Include instructions on how to run your demo.
    • Keep it short and to the point, stripping everything but the best bit you want to show off.
    • Don't include the audio, it'll increase the size and wont be used in the showreel anyway.
    • Do not submit harmful files.
    • If your demo requires any special setup, consider submitting a video instead. The more complex it is to get your demo to run, the less likely it'll be usable.


    • Use any format, but note that it's up to you to ensure the format you use is usable by others.
    • Record at 25fps at 720p HD resolution.
    • Don't include intro's or audio on your video, it'll be stripped for the showreel.
    • Keep it short and to the point.

    Good luck, have fun!

  • Does it just appear not to select all the white? Or does it actually not select all the white?

    If the latter, you should report a bug on the tracker.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Select from the poll, if it's not in the list, then mention it below (could only have 10 options, sorry).

    <img src="http://jorgenry.lynweb.no/UserFiles/Image/zx_spectrum/zxspectrum48k.jpg">

    <img src="http://cmsreport.com/files/images/Commodore64_350px.jpg">

    <img src="http://chieftechnologyofficer.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/commodore-amiga-500.jpg">

    <img src="http://news.cnet.com/i/bto/20080102/Atari_2600.png">

    <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/SNES.jpg/716px-SNES.jpg">

    <img src="http://emulador.no.comunidades.net/imagens/mega_drive_ja%5B1%5D.jpg">

    <img src="http://a4.vox.com/6a00d09e7bc293be2b00e398e109940005-320pi">

    <img src="http://api.ning.com/files/8d5ZKH3oKUKm3wistfLHxo5Hkkco4uEjcT32iUBA3ltVo0Y-fZ1N3OU3la5BZ*m7HI49aW5tp46583aSA6*dTfDoYlGRL8Bo/MSX_Philips_VG8020.jpg">

    <img src="http://acorn.chriswhy.co.uk/Pics/BBCDE1.JPG">

    <img src="http://www.vimby.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/gameboy.jpg">

  • What's your favorite?




  • Didn't play starcraft 1.


  • Yes but it's taken me months to do job that takes hour -.-

    Yeah but for all that time you were blind drunk.

  • Nothing really sounds good as it is! Now I have good reason to hurry up a bit with P.A.W ^^

    Pretty sure you'll have a while yet. I think it's unanimous that the deadline should be quite a while from now.

  • Ok, so what we seem to have so far:

    Each clip/segment approximately 5-10 seconds long, cut down from whatever is submitted right?

    Showreel approximately two minutes in length.

    720p resolution.

    Single audio track for the main one, with the possibility of another with the original clips audio.

    Final showreel will get linked to on the main site, thus becoming "official".

    Anything can be submitted, and after the chosen date, the users vote on what will be used, based on either visual quality or technical merit.

    The showreel should demonstrate both visual quality, and technical abilities of construct in various area's available, (so nobody is left feeling they're not good enough to submit anything for it).

    Submissions can be either executable demo's (with instructions) or properly recorded video clips (at the correct resolution).

    Anyone should be allowed to enter, if they have only 1 post or 1000.

    The only real "rule" is that their submission has to have been done in construct, and be their own work, obviously.

    Any other suggestions or ideas?

  • And delete the .persist file for that cap too, I dunno, it might help, since some settings are saved in it. Then reload.

  • Yeah, I know I can.. I was just kidding with you. It does feel somewhat weird though to me to make a wiki to my own tutorials... feels like advertising.

    Imagine wikipedia if everyone felt that way, it would be empty!

  • A small suggestion.

    Perhaps the vid should be split up into two parts. The first part could show off demos/ effects, while having the theme music, then the second could be all the games with their own sound.

    The question is whats available, and whats needed for the demo part?

    The one with their own sounds on would be scary, I see a lot using copyright music, or really loud ear ****** ones. Youtube might just strip the audio, which they've had a habit of doing lately. I suppose we could beg people don't submit anything with music in lol.

    I say maximum 5 seconds to keep it quick paced and show off more games - you can get the main point of gameplay/effects/whatever across in 5 sec. Doesn't really matter how it's submitted if it's going to be cut up in to a lo-def youtube video but hi-def would be nice too. I don't really have time to help but if by "official" you mean there's a link to it on the main site, yeah, can do that.

    Your main advantages over the original is you can do hi-def and use the past year's worth of content.

    Awesome, thanks Ashley!