lolpaca's Forum Posts

  • Lols, well of course I meant R196.

    And thanks, my night was getting a bit more Twilight Zone than I usually like No idea why I haven't seen that before though, I usually have effects turned on (I think, guess I could have popped it on by accident somehow). Is it a 196 thing?

  • Just updated to r196.

    OK, at first I was having trouble with "Clone object type". When I tried to clone an object type in my layout, the clone didn't appear (though it still showed up in the project bar), and for some reason my grid view vanished. I started a new project as a tester, created a sprite, cloned it, and everything worked fine, so I decided it must be a problem with my main project.

    Then I decided to try creating a new sprite from scratch, and that's when things got funky. The new sprite (a red square) showed up with this pseudo-3D effect - as I dragged it around the layout, it changed dimensions as if it were a flat 3D object. Then, literally just now as I was posting this, everything suddenly just went back to normal. Clone object type works fine.


  • Maybe I'm being stupid, but it'd also be good to have some sort of an option to "Pin to container" within the editor. I have so many little events in my project just to pin object A to container object B on created (mostly particles)

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  • Aasmund, is the Fog of War in my project like the one you're going for?

    I use Rojohound's Canvas plugin to save memory. Basically, set a "Darkness" layer that's black and non-transparent over the main layer. Put the canvas on that layer, then just generate "lightwindow" sprites (these are just black circles with the blend mode set to DestinationOut) where needed, then paste them to canvas and destroy.

    I think I've explained that right (going from memory here!) but that's the gist of it.

    EDIT - sorry, I think it's the canvas that needs to be set to Destinationout - the lightwindows can just be ordinary black circles (I use the paintbrush tool in C2 set to 0 hardness to get a nice gradient radiating out from the centre)

  • Beautiful animation! Love what you've done with this.

  • Crafting is now in the game! People kept asking what all the mining was for - well, now it actually serves a purpose. Find the forge that spawns somewhere on every level and use the metals and jewels you've mined to smith new rings and add new spells to existing ones.

    Latest version here. Feedback appreciated!

  • I think you've got a good start - you're just maybe leaving too much space in between new challenges. For example, as far as I could see, the only new thing level 3 introduced (which is as far as I got btw) was those opening and closing doors. They should perhaps be after the first door on level 2. Try compressing it all a bit more like that, and then just keep playing and asking yourself "What would make this more fun?"

    Maybe consider giving the ship new abilities past a certain point, if you haven't already. Doesn't have to be guns, but some way to make it more powerful and change the way the game is played.

  • Hey, I think this is a really good start. You've got a nice little atmosphere going on and the way it all moves feels pretty tight. I must admit though, I kept wondering when I was going to get to shoot some stuff XD I agree about the first few levels feeling too long, you can step up the complexity more quickly than you're doing now - as Somebody said, the gameplay has to evolve as you play to really keep people interested, and it has to be more than just giving them new hoops to jump through.

    Also Somebody Battletoads? pshaw, in my day we had someone's older brother's copy of Citadel on the BBC Micro and we were happy dammit

  • lolpaca

    Wouldn't it be easier to just set the entire loading layer to invisible once the loading is done, instead of making each individual object on it transparent/invisible?

    Yep! I might have done it that way come to think of it. If I didn't, I should have

    EDIT - actually I didn't, as I ended up using that layer for the HUD. No idea if there's a performance benefit, but I find it easiest to work with as few layers as possible.

  • Sent you a pm, but just in case anyone else is wondering:

    That loading screen is actually just the top layer of the main layout, with a text object on top and the background set to black & opaque. The text object updates as the generator cycles through the different stages of creating the level. Then when the generator's all done I just make that top layer transparent and the text object invisible.

  • It's a nice start! Look forward to seeing where you go with it, are you planning to have character classes etc a la Diablo? All that juicy design stuff ahead of you

    My own project is kinda similar (link in my sig), and in case you're still worried, it is certainly possible to make a procedurally-generated dungeon crawler in C2! I should think as long as you carry on using tilemaps, and cut down your sprite count wherever possible, you ought to be fine memory-wise.

  • Back in development, baby! This update introduces an inventory, levelling and new potions, as well as an improved GUI and a really nice graphical overhaul courtesy of Crafting system coming soon, so you won't be wandering around with pockets full of gold and jewels for long.

    Have a play with the demo on the site, any feedback appreciated!

    Update v26

  • No worries. My game uses procedural generation too (check devlog link in my sig ) It's frustrating at times, but incredibly rewarding when you get it working right. Give me a shout if there's anything else I can help with!

  • > A common way to do this is to create a 'walker' object, which will step forward once every loop, and will have a set of rules dictating when it's allowed to turn 90 degrees. These rules will depend on your implementation.


    Hey, yeah, Iv'e got that far XD Those rules are the problem, not sure how to build them in some nice way.

    You could try using the built-in pathfinding behaviour (or the Astar pathfinding plugin) and use the nodes from that to navigate paths around obstacles, then build corridors or whatever along that route. Take a look at this linear pathfinding example I posted a while ago, you might be able to fiddle with it to generate routes. ... nding.capx

  • Create a variable (Attack) set to 0.

    On (attack button) Pressed: Add 1 to Attack

    subevent Attack = 1: Play attackanim1, move player forward (however you want to do this - Custom Movement or something should work)

    subevent Attack = 2: Play attackanim2, move player forward

    subevent Attack = 3: Play attackanim3, move player forward

    You'll want some way to reset attack to zero - either whenever an attack animation finishes or after a specified time, depends how you want to do it.

    I think that should work, you may have to play around a bit to get the results you want! If you want to post a capx I'll have a look.