lolpaca's Forum Posts

  • Didn't realise this was in early access already! I've been following the videos for ages, finally picked it up this evening. It does not disappoint. This isn't just impressive for a C2 game, it's an impressive game full stop. You're an inspiration for us all!

  • All right! You've really thought everything through I love that sort of squad combat too, and it's a cool idea to do it in this context. I really like the idea of building up a party of ships and tweaking them as you bop around the galaxy, and each ship kind of being a 'character' in its own right too.

    Since you asked for cool space weapon suggestions, one idea could be a computer virus that puts an enemy ship under your control for a period of time, and has a chance to spread to other enemy ships within its range. Space-hacks!

  • Just wondering, how will the combat play out? Will the player be able to switch between control of individual ships on their side, or have one ship that they control and the rest are AI?

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  • Mate, this looks incredible so far. I was working on something very similar before my current project and eventually packed it in, but this is streets ahead of what I had. Keep on pushing on and don't worry about biting too much off!

  • If you tag the sounds as "Level1", Level2", etc, then you can just do one event and play tag = "Level"&currentLevel

  • An even easier way would be to just have the dungeon generate in real-time.

    When player exits left, send them at random to any layout (room) that has the corresponding door. Record this room and the previous room on a map array, so when they return through the same door, they'll go back to the expected place.

    One problem with this method though is that you wouldn't be able to have 'reveal the map' pickups and the like, since the dungeon isn't pre-generated.

    EDIT - Actually, thinking about it, this method sucks. Forget this method.

  • Here's an idea for how you could do it Binding of Isaac-style.

    Make an array called 'Map', with width and length set to the maximum width and length of your total dungeon (let's say 9,9). Set the value in the middle (4,4) to "A" - this represents the starting room of your dungeon.

    Say "A" always has exits up, left, right and down. You then need to make a bunch of other rooms whose door configurations are represented by letters of the alphabet - "B" could be exits up and left, but not down and right, for example. You can have multiple different rooms with the same exit configuration, so you can name these "B1", "B2", etc.

    Then the tricky-ish bit. For your map array, you want to do something like:

    For Each XY Element

    &Value at CurX, CurY = A

    Set value at CurX+1, CurY to choose("B","C","D")&choose"1","2","3"

    (where B, C and D are room configurations which all have exits to the left, and you have 3 different layouts for each).

    Carry on doing that for the other exits for room A, then carry on for the other rooms. Finally, you should end up with an array that contains all the information you need to auto-generate a dungeon.

    Hope that makes sense! I might not have explained it too well - if you like I can put an example .capx together showing the basic idea.

  • Oh man, I've never seen that nickname plugin before. rexrainbow you're a goddam rock star

  • Yep, or just use a circular invisible sprite pinned to the player and only play sounds if it's not overlapping the origin of the sound. But I'm lazy, your solution sounds more impressive

  • Add a line of sight behaviour with the radius you want, and play sounds only if the player doesn't have line of sight?

  • So, any chance of a demo anytime soon?

    +1 to this

  • Could you explain why you want all your enemies grouped into the same object type? That sounds like it'd be a nightmare to code... It's much less complicated to just use multiple object types and put them all into a family.

  • Yeah, it sounds like a partnership would be good if it's the main process of creating a fully-fledged game you're struggling with. It's a lot for one person to take on!

    It might help too to write up a design document. Just set out your main ideas for what the game is, what are the mechanics that make it tick, and what things you still need to add before it's complete. It doesn't have to be anything fancy (mine's a big Notepad file vaguely divided into subheadings) but getting it written down can help to flesh it out in your head.

    It also depends on what kind of game you want to make. If you're making a story-based adventure game your design doc will probably read more like a film synopsis, while if you're making an RPG, you'll probably have to get the old spreadsheets out at some point

  • Ha no worries, it's a pretty specific problem and I'm not explaining it all that well. I think it's a limitation with how solids are treated by behaviours - basically you can't have "push out solid" for one specific group of solids only, which is what I want. Had a bit of a brainwave last night though and I think I've figured a way around it.

  • My player uses 8 direction, while the enemies mostly use a combination of MoveTo and custom movement. I have custom movement to "bounce" the enemies off one another when they're clustered together, and that works fine. I can't use the same thing with the tilemap though, because I have to set a direction for the bounce - usually I use angle (SolidObject.X, SolidObject.Y, Enemy.X, Enemy.Y), which won't work with the tilemap since its X and Y are at 0,0 (or some fixed coordinate anyway). If I could somehow return the coordinates of the point of collision with the tilemap, that might work, but I'm not sure how.

    To be honest, movement and AI's always one of my biggest headaches I don't like using push out solid at all if I can help it - it tends to lead to janky, glitchy movement - but it's the only way I can see that'll make sure the enemies don't go clipping into the tilemap.