lmchucho's Forum Posts

  • CrudeMik

    To make the replay feature I 'm just recording the X and Y position of the player and then setting its position to this value every tick once Replay time has come. First I tried with text obejects to save this data and it worked really well, then changed to intance variables and got the same result, really good. Then looking for a "better" implementation I found an example by RojoHound using arrays and again was the same, so i stick with it since I couldnt came up with a better idea. you can found the example here:


    Definetely I will add new mechanics. In the prototype i was flat out copying SMB, but I'm palning some core differences. Anyways the movement will keep as an straight clone so most people will see it like that.

    I think I can pull off a funny story, but believe me, I will scrap it in 1 second if it becomes a chore.

    Ty for the comment

  • You are telling the program to pick an instance with a certain variable value, but that instance doesnt exists, thats why is not creating anything. You should put the value in another object like the button being touched so:

    On touched >

       Subevent> button variable=1 > create this object

       Subevent> button variable=0 > create that object

  • Welcome back!

    I saw you Super Meat Boy example! Really nice! I made one too and we got very similar results!

  • Add Trigger once while true subevent to both events and move the +1 and -1 actions there.

  • On the player properties go to the platform behavior and set "Default Controls" to NO.

  • Many people have difficult names, thats why I always copy their names with the mouse from their avatar :D, and yes it starts with a L.

  • Remember to use followed by the name of the person you are responding to or they wont know you replied. I saw it just by chance. :)

  • Hi guys!

    A couple weeks ago I made a Super Meat Boy example. The idea was to see if I was capable of recreating the movement and controls of such a top notch game.

    Then a couple days ago I though to myself, could I implement some other features SMB has?

    So I implemented deaths, respawns, win conditions,the replay feature and tweaked the movement I had.

    Prototype Video:


    Then casually talking with my brother we came up with an idea for a game, a full game, not only a prototype and this is the result.

    Little Soul Master.


    Little Soul Master will be in the gameplay perspectie what we could call(and probably almost everyone will) a Super Meat Boy clone. But hey! I love Super Meat Boy and if I come even close to making a game as polished and fun I dont care what people could say.


    In the Story deparment is where the biggest differences appear.

    BASIC Description: Although the "Hero" is trying to reach someone in every level, he is not trying to rescue a Princess/Girfriend, in fact he is rescuing no one. He is trying to catch his rebel soul.

    The "Hero" is a Soul Master, well... A Little Soul Master and his job is to steal as many souls as he can from the living world, but lets say that he is a little weird for the Soul Master's standards. He likes to wear a baby blue outfit instead of the traditional black, he also only gets souls from bunnies, squirrels and the like... He doesnt even steal their souls for enjoyment, he only does when this little creatures are dying, so they wont suffer anymore.

    Because of this particular behavior is that his own Soul is the target of every joke in the underworld. So his soul, tired, decides to escape.

    The story is planned to be voice acted, and in every level the story will progress, as the "Hero" gets closer and closer to having his soul back.

    The idea is to have a weird and funny story to enchance the hopefully fun gameplay without leaving it as a simple excuse to give sense to the gameplay. The Story is planned to be as important as the gameplay.

    Please, give me your feedback if you feel you can in this early stage and with so little to actually see.

    I'll keep this post updated as development advances.

    See you.

  • Sry, you can check the live demo though.

    PS: I just replied in a post of yours regarding Global text variables.

  • I made this and it works.


  • SergioRM I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  • gikdew The video only showed me playing the demo for a bit. You have the demo to try it before downloading the capx.

  • Add an instance variable to the moth named "ASpeed". Then in the event sheet:

    On start of layout

          > Moth > Set Value > "ASpeed" to > random (1,10).

          > Moth > Set Animation Speed to > Moth.ASpeed

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  • I can see some posible problems in your code (lines 16 and 18) but it would be nice to have a capx to look at, before suggesting changes. Its really tedious to be trying to guess what the problem is instead of looking at it and solving it.

  • Make as many little games as you can. Try to avoid making prototypes that arent playable and enjoyable. Then when you feel you are ready, make the jump to a "big" project.