LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Instead of setting it invisible you could offcourse just set the css style..

    Being able to set the button enabled and disabled seems like a good function to have..

    But if this is of no use to you, why not create your own buttons with sprites?

    Man!! this program you paid for can do so much!!!

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  • All you'd have to do is set the MaxTime each level.. ... erBar.capx

  • Here's a simple capx to show how scale-outer works:

    Scale Outer Example

    The blue rectangle is exactly the project window size..

    As you can see this is the save area..

    All four sprites in the corners are always on screen, no matter in what way you deform your view..

    (just change the size of your browser window to see the effect)

  • The three tutorials you linked seem pretty good at explaining exactly what your question is about, what part of them confuses you?

    [quote:3jv2vsej]how big the safe zone is :

    The safe zone is exactly your original project size (While scaling outer your whole project will be scaled to fit inside the available space)

    [quote:3jv2vsej]what window size and layout size to have :

    Your choice completely..

    [quote:3jv2vsej]how to center the screen:

    scaling will automatically center to the original center of your project view if your layout is set to unbounded scrolling (which is the middle of the dotted rectangle), if you want to scrollto somewhere else use either the scrollto behaviour or the system scrollto action

    [quote:3jv2vsej] how to scale the sprites(if they need scaling, and what size should they originally be created in):

    The fullscreen option will scale yor sprites for you.. You'd probably want to create them the biggest size they will be shown, for bigger is unnescessary to make them look good..

    [quote:3jv2vsej]what if I want to have different "pages" on one layout like in this example:

    Like you said, you have an example already, it uses scale outer as far as I can see..

  • I understand this:

    Seriously LittleStain , I don't wanna have to use crop as that would show too little of the game on certain devices

    But not after you said this:

    [quote:12rl791o]but if the user has an otherworldly device with resolution of 30x30, then he should only be able to see from 305 till 335

    After all, crop does exactly that..

  • LittleStain quite curious about your example could it be use multiple time to use for multiple sprite but you only need to select one out of sprite in order of A B C D

    and would it reset the picking order if I were to say touch the Sprite B would be true while A C D would be false and so on ?

    Cause in my game i am having problem getting the sprite to be selected again after the first could i use this string to reset the picking instance ?

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand the question..

  • You can put the player anywhere you like on the layout, also down..

  • Please read this: ... reen-sizes

    Choose the fullscreen style you'd like and adjust your game accordingly..

  • Would putting a scrollto behaviour on your player work?

  • > I'm not really sure what you mean..


    > Do you want to add an extra condition to the button event?


    > Something like:

    > System compare two values LayoutAngle < 270


    I mean this: When is press a key, the Layout rotates 90º (LayoutAngle = 90) and the rotation stops. If i press it again the Layout rotates 90º more(LayoutAngle = 180). then I press again and 90º more(LayoutAngle = 270). When I press it again, it never stops rotating(Loop).

    Here the code for that:

    newAngle is a GlobalVar initialized to 0.

    Well that's because C2 works with 360 degrees..

    if you add 90 to 270 it will become 360, but 360 is 0 in C2, so the layoutangle goes from 359 to 0, always being lower than 360 and as such always rotating..

  • Sounds like you don't want any scaling..

    (if that is the case, you should use fulscreen in browser : Crop )

    But anyway, I guess you'd want to scroll to 0.5*layoutwidth, 0.5*layoutheight

  • I'm not really sure what you mean..

    Do you want to add an extra condition to the button event?

    Something like:

    System compare two values LayoutAngle < 270

  • First this question should be asked:

    What do you consider the middle of the screen?

    Fullscreen in browser Scale-outer should immediately center on the center of your original project-view..

  • Something like this?

    Global variable "LayoutNewAngle"

    on key pressed

    _ System add 90 to "LayoutNewAngle"

    system compare two values LayoutAngle not equal to LayoutNewAngle

    System set LayoutAngle : LayoutAngle+1