LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • in the properties panel you can set the object's hotspot to center.

    also in the image editor you can set the sprite's origin wherever you want.

  • Isn't automatically generated, but you could make one through events, I think there are even a few examples on the forum.

  • for deleting together you should use the container object.

    for moving together you could use the pin behaviour.

    To allign them use the set x, set y actions.

  • No, but that's because Construct2 has no specific UI elements feature.

    It is easily done by events though.

    ui element set x : viewportleft(0)/2

    this will only work if the origin of the UI element is in it's center.

  • I'm not sure what you mean by grouping,even after your last reaction.

    Construct 2 has a container object, maybe you are looking for that?

    Putting all events concerning the elements in a group and activating tor deactivating the group?

    Putting all elements on a seperate layer to group them (making it possible to set them all invisible by setting the layer invisible)?

  • There is a dialog plugin in the plugin section of this forum, but I'm not sure if that is what you are looking for.

    I'm not sure when or why you'd want this dialog to appear, but you could ofcourse just create the whole thing from scratch yourself, call it throughy events and make it look anyway you want.

  • Ok.. so what do you mean by status bar?

    What kind of status would there have to be in the bar?

    What would you like the bar to look like?

    Would the bar remain on top of the screen at all times?

    Should the app be usable in portrait and landscape?

    If so, how would you want the bar to react to the different orientations?

  • Did you get the geolocation working?

  • As far as I can see in the turret example the bullet angle isn't set. The turret automatically aquires the target as specified in the turret behaviour. Just add the target in an event and all should work.

  • Geolocation in the Manual

    Looking at the geolocation actions you should first add an action to watch the location or request a location before it will return anything.


    add an event:

    System on start of layout

    • geolocation request location.
    • system set text : geolocation.longtitude&","geolocation.lattitude
  • I've found that sometimes a "jerk" or a "glitch" or a "flicker" or a "hiccup" or a "whatshallwecallit" has to do with the order of events.

    I'm not sure if this is the case here, but it could be that the layer effects are only triggered the next tick, because the events pertaining to it are above the event that triggers it in the eventsheet.

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  • An object with bullet behaviour only bounces when colliding with something, so would on collision work?

  • It would help to know what behaviour you are using and how you have your events set up.

    I'll just guess you are using physics because you talk about gravity (could also be bullet behaviour or others)

    If you are using physics you can't set gravity per object, just the world gravity in general. You could change the density of the objects to make them react differently to the gravity. also changing the collision polygon has effect on how the pieces react, for it determines where the objects gravity-point is.

  • I can't open your capx, don't know why, probably something with my computer, but couldn't you just add a condition that compares the y-position of the player with the y position of the collider?

    if collider.y < player.y - set player angle to 180 (or collider.angle + 180)

  • If you set the frame in a subevent of the creation event, only the created instance will be affected.

    If this doesn't work you should read up on picking instances in the FAQ-thread on this forum.

    I don't know how you have your events set up, so this is all I can do without seeing your capx.