> It actually doesn't..
> What do you want to happen at the end of the half a circle?
> Should the sprite slowdown and speed up or just change direction while keeping speed?
> I guess a little fooling around with the sine behaviour could do the trick..
I want the sprite to turn when it moved a half circle and move a half circle to the other direction. If you don't know what i mean whit a half circle image a rainbows shape. I know that i am probably going to use the Sine behavior i just want to know which offsetts i should use. I know how to make sprite a full circle but not in ahalf circle. Again i want the sprite to move left and rigth in a half circle.
Did you download the capx I linked?
Doing it with sine behaviour you would need a horizontal and a vertical one
make the vertical one half the period of the horizontal and have it start at 1/4 of the period
make the horizontal a little more than twice the magnitude of the vertical and you're done..
You could have fiddled with the numbers yourself, offcourse..