LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Couldn't you use one dictionary object to have all highscores?

    Then you'd only need one localstorage storage..

  • Might even be easier:

    On button pushed

    system compare two values : sprite.count < 6

    system create sprite

    this would limit the amount of sprites to 6, but when one is destroyed another can be made by clicking the button.

  • Depending on how you have things set up I guess you could have an instance variable rotating and check if the object "shifts" while rotating and if so place it back to the original position..

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  • The problem remains, when I I hold Right+Left, and release either, it starts moonwalking. I do not want that, but I do want it to keep the fluidity of movement when I switch from left to right on the fly (rather than having to stop then turn).

    That's why I started using the keyboard setup I linked, for this can be easily avoided..

  • Without seeing your events I wouldn't know..

  • > I guess the easiest would be something like:


    > Player is overlapping ConveyerBelt

    > > player set x - self.x-5


    > Not sure if you would need normal overlapping or overlapping at offset, but the rest remains the same..


    That was alot more simple then i thaugth. I thaugth making a conveyer belt was going to advanced stuff. I choosed player overlapping conveyer belt and then player set x and wrote in self.X-5. The conveyer belt doesn't do anything. I tested whit compare at offset and choosed Sprite43 instead of self and the conveyer belt still doesn't do anything. So i either did something wrong or need something else.

    I guess you did something wrong:

    Conveyer Belt

  • You mean something like the clamp expression?

    clamp(x, lower, upper)

    Return lower if x is less than lower, upper if x is greater than upper, else return x.

  • > First of all you don't need parenthesis. You use them to group calculations like in math.


    > Second thing. Every event is being checked every frame (so approx. 60 times a second). So if you want to trigger this random calculation only once then you have to add an extra check which will determine if this should be ran or not (suggesting a boolean-like variable or a trigger action like "On tap..."). But I have a feeling that the first thing you should read is How Events Work. Then you may want to read about the "hidden" useful functions called System expressions. This should make many things clear for you.


    The Manual has never or will never help me. It's something whit how it's written whit not including all the fact you need and being confusing. If i couldn't understand the manual better i would ask alot less in these forums. I like tutorials though. I want to try the Boolean thing. I made a Boolean and set it to false. Shall i set it to true after the event has happened or what.

    Why not?

    You could even add the timer behaviour so it will only be triggered on timer and set the timer to a random number as well..

    Change the boolean on timer could also work..

    So many ways to do one thing, that might be what's confusing you about the manual, it doesn't tell you what to do, only what you can do..

  • No need to thank me, glad I could help!!

  • Floor(random(101)) will supply a random integer number between 0 and 100

    Floor is used to round the number down, so only integer values will be used and not floats..

    You only need 1 variable in the example showed (It could even be done without a variable)

    Triggerchance will determine the percentage. from the possible 100 numbers Floor(random(101)) will supply only 30 are below or equal to Triggerchance if it's set to 30

    30 from a hundred is 30%

    so to clarify random is an expression, you don't need a variable for it..

  • > It actually doesn't..


    > What do you want to happen at the end of the half a circle?

    > Should the sprite slowdown and speed up or just change direction while keeping speed?

    > I guess a little fooling around with the sine behaviour could do the trick..


    I want the sprite to turn when it moved a half circle and move a half circle to the other direction. If you don't know what i mean whit a half circle image a rainbows shape. I know that i am probably going to use the Sine behavior i just want to know which offsetts i should use. I know how to make sprite a full circle but not in ahalf circle. Again i want the sprite to move left and rigth in a half circle.

    Did you download the capx I linked?

    Doing it with sine behaviour you would need a horizontal and a vertical one

    make the vertical one half the period of the horizontal and have it start at 1/4 of the period

    make the horizontal a little more than twice the magnitude of the vertical and you're done..

    You could have fiddled with the numbers yourself, offcourse..

  • I guess setting a boolean when player is withing charging distance and changing the behaviour depending on if the boolean is true should do the trick?

  • I guess the easiest would be something like:

    Player is overlapping ConveyerBelt

    player set x - self.x-5

    Not sure if you would need normal overlapping or overlapping at offset, but the rest remains the same..

  • Ah fair enough, I though there was another way to detected the facing of the character.

    I am guessing you would set the variable "facing right" true when you mirror and false when you do not set mirror, so you can reference this true or false elsewhere. But is there a real advantage in creating an extra thing on top?

    I would use a text-variable and do it the other way around..

    If facing is "left" set mirrored

    There is no use for it other than to make things more easy to read and to help me as a programmer not having to think about mirrored/not mirrored and positive and negative values..

  • Why haven't you posted a screenshot like I asked? You obviously want help, do your part.

    This reminds me of my signature... hmmmm...