The Manual has never or will never help me. It's something whit how it's written whit not including all the fact you need and being confusing. If i couldn't understand the manual better i would ask alot less in these forums. I like tutorials though. I want to try the Boolean thing. I made a Boolean and set it to false. Shall i set it to true after the event has happened or what.
Why not?
You could even add the timer behaviour so it will only be triggered on timer and set the timer to a random number as well..
Change the boolean on timer could also work..
So many ways to do one thing, that might be what's confusing you about the manual, it doesn't tell you what to do, only what you can do..
What i got out from the manual was how you could make something spawn at random locations sine it showed a event from that. So i got help whit that. But i also want to know hoe to make a enemy do a movement or spawn something at random I still want to know two things about that.I used the Timer behavior like this. On start of layout Start Timer1 for 1.0 (Regular). On Compare values i have written "(random)" as a frst value and "(triggerchance)" as the second value. I need paranthesis. It doesn't work for me otherwise. If i just write (random) the expression complains on the lack of paranthesis. Then i made the compare values happen on time. This makes the sprite do the event exactly every second instead of at random like it should so the way i made the timer didn't work. How do you make a expression whitout a variable? You said i shouldn't have a variable for the random expression. Should i go into system, the sprite or what? Second i still want to know if i should make a single event whit random expression or just compare two values or both. If i should both, should the random event happen after the random expression or after the value comparing? I hope i am clear whit what i am asking.
Can anyone answer on this question. Please?