Seems to me you should check the tile the player is moving to prior to moving the player to it..
So only move the sprite if it's destination is tile2..
Right click your layout - choose insert new object - choose keyboard..
What behaviour are you using for the movement?
Each turret should be responding only when the conditions in the event are true for that turret..
Without knowing how you have your events set up this question will be hard if not impossible to answer..
You mean something like this?
On space bar pressed
pick enemy where distance(player.x,player.y,enemy.x,enemy.y) < 100
enemy is playing animation "sword"
enemy subtract from health 50
Did you read the manual entry about the gamepad?
I once helped someone with the mapping of the controller in this thread:
That would be something like:
set speed to character.speed
speed being an instance variable for character..
Yes to the first question. Not yet to the next. I'm not sure if instant variables would work. I'm still new to the program.
Yes to the first question.
Not yet to the next.
I'm not sure if instant variables would work. I'm still new to the program.
I am sure instance variables would work..
Give your characters instance variables, set them to the right amount and in the events use the instance variables as the values..
Well what you are trying/wanting to make is not a little thing, so a little example is not really possible..
If you are familiar with arrays, all you'd have to do is make the user be able to edit the "cell" (ArrayAt) for the right date..
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Would creating three global variables work?
CombinedXP : set to the "For each X element" >> Add levelxp.CurValue to CombinedXP"
BoosterCosts : set to the amount of XP spent on boosters
XPtotal : set to combinedXP minus Boostercosts
You could create something like that with arrays I guess..
They each have their own stats, jump, speed, power, etc. , but you don't know how to give it to them?
So do they have them or not?
I guess using instance variables should work for this, right?
Without having any idea on how you have your movement events set up it will be impossible to answer this question..
You have "a way" to make your sprite move and now it moves, but also to places you don't want it to move..
I guess adding a condition to the movement event to only move to places you want it to move should work..
The question is very unclear..
I guess you want to know what conditions you should add to your event to make sure the actions are only applied to the objects you want istead of "disabling" an event..
If you want to compare width you could add a condition like:
system compare two values - sprite.width < 200
to the event selecting the sprite by position.
This sounds like it shouldn't be that hard.
Couldn't you subtract 1 from the value in the event the unpinning takes place?
It would be a lot easier and less guessing if you could share your current events/capx for us to take a look at..