LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Would it work to use a "dummy" sprite for the movement and an animation-sprite for the jumping?

  • What would be the issue moving the layer-objects in front of the player?

    You are not using move to top or bottom so the z-order of the layer-objects should stay the same..

    The issue might be (in the for each at least) that you are using

    for overlapping : playerrange-object

    for comparing the y : playerpin-object

    for moving the player : player family

    If the playerrange object is part of the player family, I would suggest using the player family in the overlapping event so at least the object referenced in the condition is the same as the one in the action..

  • How different are this thing and that thing?

    Is the thing different on every layout?

  • You should work with storage for this or else every time the game is (re)started it will regard it as the first time..

    All the events for the tutorial could be put in a group in the event sheet (or on a different event sheet) and be activated/deactivated.

    You'd probably base the activation/deacitvation on a global variable which could be set and checked from your local storage..

  • The provided links are not public and as such don't work..

    Please copy the public link from your dropbox..

  • Good luck!

  • You can invert the "player is overlapping" condition or just use else like below..

    Together with the timer behaviour it would be something like this:

    player is overlapping box

    stop timer "KillTime"


    trigger once

    start timer "KillTime" for x seconds

    on timer "KillTime"

    game over

  • Wouldn't it be possible to use the analogue input values and base the speed on them by multiplying?

    "Joystick movement is in the range -100 to 100 on each axis, and if the distance from the center is below the Analog deadzone value, it will return 0"

    so if the maximum speed is 400, you'd just set the speed to something like: abs(Axis(Gamepad, Index))*Maximumspeed

  • Why not use bullet behaviour with gravity instead of the physics behaviour?

    Physics behaviour doesn't mix wel with other behaviours and an object with physics will allways pass through an object with solid behaviour.

    From the Manual entry about physics :

    "Another consequence is Physics won't respond to objects with the Solid or Jumpthru behaviors. These behaviors are totally redundant when using Physics and have no effect. Instead, use the Immovable property."

  • I see a number of issue here..


    Mixing physics with other behaviours always gives unexpected results.


    Physics doesn't respond to the solid behaviour.


    Seems like you are trying to use the inside of a collision polygon of an object with the solid behaviour.

    This is not the way it is intended to be used, because the inside of the collision polygon is supposed to be solid.

    A much better way would be to create the circle with a number of sprites so the outside of the collision polygon can be used.

    This might already solve most of your problems.

    I guess if I were to make it I would choose not to use any behaviours at all and work with radius and move at angle..

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  • If you search the forum for isometric you will find many examples..

    Like this one:


    Probably in the tutorial section as well..

    Like this one: ... etric-grid

  • I cannot find the If statement and Else statement. I checked under System and it's not there.

    There are the "system compare variable" and the "system compare two values"

    The system else condition is there, but only if it's possible at that spot..

    Another way to get to the else statement is through the right-mouse-button-dialog

  • Create an event:

    Spieler on pathfinding path found - spieler move along path

    and remove the move along path from event 2

  • You seem to be missing the action:

    Audio set master volume = Volume