liamdawe's Forum Posts

  • To be honest i am not suprised he gets the error, with such little resources available. I am no expert though, but to be honest 384 ram is extremely low. And Windows ME is a terrible operating system as well.

  • How do i actually get the image manipulator to show a loaded file at a certain position??

  • Yeah goodluck to your exams, don't forget about us <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" />

    And well if someone does do a python part for it, i hope they share it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • If Mk doesn't come back by 1.0, at that point I'll start putting together some kind of networking plugin. Mind you, Python has sockets support and is coming next build.

    Yeah but the reason we use this is for point and click, we don't want to have to learn python to do online...

  • Nice, i can cofirm it no longer crashes when i send 0 to the image manipulator, just a pitty only bmp is support as bmp is pretty err useless and crap lol, nice work though, much more stable <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

  • Oh right, that will be why, support for other files is a MUST, bmp are horrible and huge in file size usually compared to others!

    Plus if you do want to support other OS's in future it is even more of a must.

    Please include at least jpg in the next version.

  • Must be a bug in the image object, 1 does nothing, 0 crashes it.

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  • Bump! Help would be great...

  • Actually i was pointing out something Ashley may have not known since he has said before he does not have Linux.


    Wine is a lot slower than native for obvious reasons, it is ugly when using, crashes frequently, wine updates can easily break compatiblity with construct etc etc.

    I dont see how i am "lacking regard" for his work, his work is brilliant.

  • I don't know if it is planned, but some way to embbed apps and games into the browser?

  • Selected the image i posted ealier, 1 as a paremeter loaded nothing, 0 as a parameter crashed the application test.

  • Thanks for all your work <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • Ah ha! I suppose i should have looked deeper, been a while since i used any tool such as this!

    Although now i have this error (this is when i try to get the image manipulator to load an image from the select file in the dialog box):

  • Nice one, that should attract a few more people, i will make a post on mentioning it.

    Edit > ... ost2442060

  • Well i would just like to thank you for actually considering it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />.

    I agree it would be a lot more work for you to initially maintaine ports since the engine is still undergoing quite some work.

    Running through an emulator is nice since it would have it working, but it will be slow, upset a lot of people, will get more people to bug you to do a native one, etc etc.

    Many thanks.