Since updating i always get the "APPBLOCK (1831)" error on anything now .
Happens on old caps and new caps.
I have done a full fresh install, won't work
Yeah but to display certain things in applications sprites are still needed and useful.
Welcome, i hope you will find as i am that Construct is already extremely powerful, i suspect more and more users will come over from clickteam before long, as well, there balls.
Well i switched it to directx9 and then it wont load at all when i click run it gives the "error loading "appblock" (1813)" error.
I don't see why an application cannot contain a sprite?!
here is the cap to test:
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You can have one object do the movement, then have another object on top always set to the position of the object with the movement.
Heh i suppose that would do it, having the actual movement object just an invisible dot, set the sprite always on top, guess it could work.
You even put in my ask support for more image types, woooo, you are god. hehe.
I don't see why it has to rotate the object or flip it at all, a movement where the sprite stays static in its rotation and just moves in the direction pressed, that would be an ideal proper movement.
I have tried, but can't get my head around it, there is no option to set a sprite in motion on a click or press of a key.
It just seems stupid that an 8 direction type movement makes a sprite flip itself when going another way, that shouldn't be!
I don;t get what that means, to me that says when they are facing right they can't go left??
This movement is useless if when you move another direction it makes the sprite jump!
That is pretty awesome, you could create a simple 3d space shooter with that kind of engine, nice one!
Hi all i have created a simple orange diamond to test 8 direction movement, and when u press it to move it doesn't always just move, it kinda jumps.
Here is the file:
Just move up and down, you will see it jumps, that's not right, it should just move the sprite itself and thats it.
Well i think he is the main driving force behind it!
When do you think we can get the next build Ashley?
Keep up the good work dude, i look forward to the improvements in the Image Manipulator <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />
Is there any way with construct to send a webcam feed to a php script?