Over the last 3 months or so I've been working on an accessible website reader prototype which you can test at the link below:
[HOLD] Numpad numbers to choose category.
[HOLD] Numpad numbers to choose blog posts to have read to you.
[PRESS] Numpad Del to pause reading
[PRESS] Numpad Enter to resume reading
[PRESS / HOLD] + / - to scale the writing up / down
All feedback would be great. As it is a prototype there are a number of issues I am working to resolve and improve but fundamentally it is sound.
The feedback I already have has been immense and I have an american project that can see applications for its use which is fantastic, its a not-for-profit application.
Written entirely in Construct 2, featuring speech synthesis, speech recognition (working but not activated currently) and reads content found on WordPress websites currently.