lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Yes, then you need to update the PHP file >_>

  • You send a get request with the value to the php page, and afterwards the page still shows 400.

    Thats in the PHP page you are adressing in your ajax get url.

  • Man, I love these, ... You can stuff so many pickings in one event controlling so many aspects, its silly.

    Though it has a flaw, either I am totally missing a picking overview in the debugger, or it does not exist.

    I would love to be able to see my pickings from an event.

    For example, I would like to see a list containing picked items as a results from all the picks in events 20

    Somewhere in the debugger:

    PICKS EVENT #20 [objectname1.uid,objectname1.uid,objectname2.uid,objectname3.uid]

    In some scenarios it could go a bit crazy, with a huge program with many sheets, but I would imagine some looped event creating the same boxes structure for sheets and picks as it does with the performance indicators in %.

    As an addition, when seeing picked events go by, it would then be good to have a pause button in the debugger.

  • Suggestion:

    Start your preview in debugger mode

    Then, on your right side of the debugger, click profile

    Then keep an eye on the % which your named processes take up.

    Obviously, the ones hogging most processor performance could likely do with some tuning/tweaking.

  • Add an event: compare 2 variables

    enemies.Count < 10

    this will check if the total of enemies objects is lower then 10

  • The destroyable ground is masked from a background image tile.

    thus the destroyable ground is made by an image.

  • there was a thread some weeks ago with pixel destruction of terrain.

    I believe one of thelast example made a simple mask of the original background.

    this thread

  • like lemmings digging a tunnel ?

    <img src="http://www.mojang.com/notch/j4k2k6/miners4k/screenshot.gif" border="0" />

  • That 400 is because you request the page through ajax at the start of layout and places it in your text.

    The page shows the 400.

    Just visit your test page directly:


  • Also, be aware that laptops can present a problem if you're using WebGL in any way on those layers. I had a game I made in C2 where the game ran really slowly at random points and I couldn't work out why.

    Turns out that when the game was running slowly my laptop was running off the battery. When that happens, many laptops disable the 'higher level' graphics chips to save power. This is worth keeping in mind both for debugging and for when considering distribution.

    Is there a way to get round that, now that I think about it?

    yes, in your energy power savings / performance, set it to maximum performance.

    It will cause your laptop to runn full power regardless of batteries or net power.

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  • change




    Same goes for the entry for item7.


  • You need to replace the backslashes for forward slashes in the URLS

    In the second post you need to place your double qoute propper:


    change to


    And very ikely, you need to place:

    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');

    At the top of you PHP file right below <?php

    This will make it work from PReview mode.

    If you do not add it, it will only work once you exported and uploaded to that cub site of yours.

  • 64 bit here too, without problems.

    Have you tried re-installing ?

  • yeah as soon as I put something in it seem didnt work.

    At least it appeared so, the forms are not getting passed as regular post or get calls, but instead being passed as OPTIONS. (cos of your header)

    I get this in the BROWSER console in firefox (CTRL SHIFT J)

    Request URL: lennaerthohe.nl/ajaxtest/index.php

    Request Method:      OPTIONS

    Status Code:      HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Request Headers 17:40:25.000

    User-Agent:     Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0

    Pragma:     no-cache

    Origin:     http://localhost:50000

    Host:     lennaerthohe.nl

    DNT:     0

    Connection:     keep-alive

    Cache-Control:     no-cache

    Access-Control-Request-Method:     POST

    Access-Control-Request-Headers:     x-number,x-token,x-usermail

    Accept-Language:     en-gb,en;q=0.5

    Accept-Encoding:     gzip, deflate

    Accept:     text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8

    Response Headers ?124ms

    X-Powered-By:     PHP/5.4.24

    Vary:     Accept-Encoding

    Transfer-Encoding:     chunked

    Server:     ngx_openresty

    Expires:     Wed, 12 Feb 2014 16:40:42 GMT

    Date:     Wed, 12 Feb 2014 16:40:42 GMT

    Content-Type:     text/html

    Content-Encoding:     gzip

    Connection:     keep-alive

    Cache-Control:     max-age=0

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin:     *

    Seems like they are being set.