LaDestitute's Forum Posts

  • Figured there should be an update here since it's been a while. Been on a sort of semi self-imposed break anyway and also busy with other commitments (preparing for a con in 14 days), so I haven't been able to focus on the gamekit.

    I still have a handful of bugs to squash after the now done big code cleanup stage, then I can get to implementing the last major features. For one, I've juggling how I'll handle an extra inventory, specifically the 'spoils bag' I mentioned.

    Currently, it's proposed to function like a static inventory-set with a config much like the main-inventory and have the amount of slots be expandable by end-developers. I might even make adding extra slots config-side, just to make it easier, i.e, just edit the config to add a new slot/item type and boom, the game does it all on the fly without any further editing.

    Another format I am pondering, while still using the config-option, is having only a single or few present icons and arrows and gamepad buttons to cycle/scroll through the entire bag contents, which is a bit of a different approach. Might even make it further like a slot-machine layout with columns/rows.

  • Yes, you'll need a macbook or a desktop mac. You can export on Windows/Linux, but the resulting OSX port in the folder is not guaranteed to work.

  • Close, but as I said, keep mind that the index is zero-based, so it counts up from zero. Also, you should format your config/data file with no spaces, thus like 5/7/12.

    So, level would be 0, and money would be 2.

  • >

    > > My most recent video/gif, currently working on new enemies and how visibility works in the game.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Very nice concept. For the light effects, how are you handling it? By the way, awesome to see someone making game boy games =D


    Thanks For the light effect all art is black and white and the colours are on a separate layer above which multiples the colour values.

    BTW it's not GameBoy it's ZX Spectrum

    To be honest, it all kind of blurs together for me but not in a negative way. I'd rope anything like ZX or gameboy like, (or even possibly AMIGA as well) as being part of a general retro era/aesthetic.

  • Before I suggest the next thing, have you looked into combining a json or xml file using local storage?

    You could try a pure text file and tokenat as explained below.

    I'll break down the usage of tokenat for you, also so you can find out how to use it:

    tokenat(AJAX.LastData, 3, "|")[/code:2pmulfz2]
    I pulled the following line above from my gamekit, where I utilize it for setting the contents of inventory slots for key items like a bow or boomerang, as an example in this.
    I'm using AJAX here to pull from a project file (config.txt) but you can use other methods if you can think of it, but you can use AJAX to read directly from a config file if you have AJAX request/download the file.
    The number here (3) is the index it's asking for, to search for what contents to pull from. Keep in mind that the index is zero based, so if my available contents are "boomerang|bow|hookshot|bombs|lamp", 3 will return "bombs".
    The last value to note of ("|") is a separator that tokenat will use to distinguish the parts of a query, such as a comma or slash mark.
  • Given the architecture of Linux is vastly different to Windows, .x64 is likely there for the purpose of the 64-bit CPU architecture with running it in Linux, exe wise with Linux's package.nw.

    Yes, you need a mac to port OSX versions since the software behind OSX is proprietary. OSX can't be emulated in a virtual machine either, as it does fucky things with signatures regarding programming.

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  • Can we see a capx, please? Not much help without one.

  • Pseudo code but this should work for you but it depends if you have levels with preset contents or are generaitng them, if the latter, I will help out with that too if it's an extra requirement:

    Event condition: On tile tapped (mouse or touch plugin) + Animation is "unknowntile"

    When selecting a tapped tile, you may want to set a global variable to the UID right after, like so: Set variable to "int(Tile.UID)"

    Set Animation to:

    Choose ("Nothing", "Enemy1", "Enemy2", "Loot1", "Loot1", "Loot2")[/code:2sth6bkn]
    You can list duplicates of the same animation in Choose if you want to create weighed probabilities, such as Enemy2 being more common.
    Create separate conditions for the functions of each tile-type, such as for Loot1:
    On tile tapped + Animation is "Loot1"
    Set tapped tile anim to "Empty"
    Add value to global variable
    Update text or images to indicate new resource obtained or more gold added
    The choose thing here will also cover generating an exit and you may want to only have it appear after x tiles tapped or something like that.
  • You should make two global variables. One for the tile's X and one for the tile's Y.

    Set variableX to: TileMapName.PositionToTileX()

    Set VariableY to: TileMapName.PositionToTileY()

    Set the layout position into the (), i.e as an example number for PositionToTileX(24). Then, using the Erase Tile action under your tilemap, set the X/Y when it asks for them to your global variables and you can then also use your two global variables to spawn in an object at the same location right after, as long as you don't overwrite or erase what is in your two global variables.

  • Are your layouts the same size? If they are, I probably have a solution of how to do it, otherwise it might get slightly more complicated.

  • A gamekit-hotfix was released yesterday at 11 PM (the dropbox links have been updated), fixes include:

    *Fixed issues with dungeon chests not being able to open

    *Fixed player being able to move when lifting objects

  • Stable build 1.0 IS NOW OUT: ... 2jW7a?dl=0

  • A new stable build is dropping in ~1 hour or possibly less than that. Have one more major implementation to do, then misc adjustments and build exporting/packaging.

  • New stable build for the gamekit alpha release coming soon, probably in a few days; with a realistic ETA of next week. Expect lots of bug fixes and also plenty of optimization improvements and changes.

  • Streaming game development/programming stuff:

    (say something in the chat for a shoutout when it actually starts!)