LaDestitute's Forum Posts

  • Did a quick passover check just this morning. The only part of the enemy AI that isn't converted to the family system is the Eyegore AI. I'll be working on it this morning. The Eyegore AI still uses the old state based AI, which uses states determine actions, with states triggered from different stimuli or events, such as states like "Movement", "Attacking", "Idle", "Alerted", etc.

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  • Obviously not final, still have a gui color to decide on and final sprites besides the example ingots (which will be only retouched a little)

    I went for a bit of a hybrid between Minecraft and Terraria. Basically a craft-list like Terraria or Starbound does but with a small interactive GUI for visuals like Minecraft, mainly to show total fuel left and an animated furnace-fire that animates for each material smelted.

  • That's kind all I needed to hear even if I did want to investigate whether ot not Steam was a option, provided it was the right platform. It clearly isn't and I'm well aware of the quality control and such issues that Steam has and that it's also a lot worse for indie devs now than it was, say 10-15 years ago.

    I'll be staying here locally with Construct 2, thanks guys.

  • I've been developing a more than remotely complex and robust A-RPG gamekit/SDK using Construct 2 for over two years and it's definitely reaching much closer to release, so much that a late-spring/early-summer release is very inherently possible. My gamekit/SDK is intended as more of a development tool (thus, being a gamekit/SDK) but a lot of time recently, a suggestion of a release build/exe for Steam has come up, especially that I could have a lot more sales as a result, but it was usually suggested by people not familiar with Construct 2 or the project's function as a SDK for a full commercial game so approaching it with Steam is confusing and difficult to plan at best for me.

    If I can approach steam and have it actually feasible to do so given my project's nature, how should I go about it and if there are ways indeed possible?

    For one, Construct 2 encrypting graphical assets on export is an issue to me, and as much as Construct 3 is a solution to that, it's not an actual one and would require monetary investment on my part, even if I'm likely to make that investment back double and then some. I thought some method like RPG Maker's RTP addons could be possible, maybe. Though , as is, default mockup assets would be fine.

    The second issue comes down to handling maps and also adding completely new items and enemies, if someone wishes to do so; beyond editing the non-graphical properties of things already implemented. I could easily just make sure to provide plenty of internal-engine slots for new items, etc, enough that most won't complain if it's +1000 possible items or so. I know I could also easily create a map editor for the engine natively but that's a big can of worms for me personally with little experience with JSON/data beyond dictionary usage, especially since it also concerns me whether or not I could/(or if it isn't possible natively) have the game get permission to automatically create new external layout files for if a completely new map is added.

  • Implemented equipable items, purely visual for now, doesn't apply metadata to the player yet

  • Sweet sweet progress. Equipable equipment and crafting is up next, in that order.

  • Second inventory page, swap through them with L/R with a standard 360 gamepad. This is also how I'll do implementation of armor, food, loot, etc, each will how it's own page.

  • I'm currently working on item metadata organization (in a dictionary to match rest of the gamekit's metadata) then inventory improvements; specifically a second inventory page, spoils bag (loot storage, applications for quests/crafting) and equipable equipment but here's the sort of finalization for the debug screen + console command:

    I'll eventually look into making it a bit more high-contrast for disabled users/ease of visibility (very transparent grey background under the text?) but I also want to eventually add future time/weather commands + finalize the debug layout for the end of v1.2/release

    So far, I've got the following commands implemented: /help (self-explanatory), /noclip (disables collisions for objects, useful for debugging), /kill (kills the specified entity), /spawn (spawns a new instance of the specified entity), /restore (restores HP+MP to full), /give (gives a specified item) and /clear (clears console-log text)

    Future commands will also include /weather and /time (such as something like "/weather set rain" or "/time set morning" but also some special cases like "/time freeze" or "/weather building-override")

  • Debug improvements are done for now. What's next? Inventory improvements! Lots of stuff, exciting stuff.

    This part of v1.2's updates and code changes will bring: a second inventory page, a spoil bag (a storage for misc loot, likely quest/crafting applications) and equipable equipment (no more static equipment!)

    This and combat improvements are the last big two improvements for v1.2, then there's just weather/day systems and tweaking before release

    Also, of course, for both, I'll take a closer look at the respective eventsheets (inventory and AI) and see any improvements I can make towards general code cleanliness

  • > Improved command console and debug. Includes a new /help command (thus the /kill explanation is a test of the command), it's mostly good but could use a bit of tweaking. Will add a feature to click objects/entities to feed their associated metadata to the console log later in the afternoon




    You've been at this project for a while and it looks great! what resolution are you targeting? or do you have it setup as a variable resolution?

    1280x720, so standard HD resolution but I need to fix some bugs as upping the resolution apparently breaks the zone camera system.

  • Improved command console and debug. Includes a new /help command (thus the /kill explanation is a test of the command), it's mostly good but could use a bit of tweaking. Will add a feature to click objects/entities to feed their associated metadata to the console log later in the afternoon

  • Implemented a rudimentary command console into my gamekit, been working on the builtin debug menu I have already build so this is a new feature as part of it's overhaul.


    Programming/gamedev stuff stream!