LaDestitute's Forum Posts

  • Big announcement! The SDK is finally releasing with an estimated release-window between Q4 2021-Q1 2022 with planned support for Construct 3. Before then, packaged tilesets/etc will be sold in the asset store without the SDK to help support myself.

    Latest Pre-release Build: v1.1h1

    Trello (Feature Roadmap) | Gitlab (main-dev) | Issue Tracker (bugs)

    Twitter | Devlog Blog | Images/GIFs (lot of gifs/images, all the way back to build 0.3 from back in Feb 2016)

    Latest News

    6/20/2021: Release window decided, began to get back to work on sprites, an announcement was planned for weeks after but was stalled, etc

    10/29/2018: Weather, fire spreading, temperature systems and day/night cycle implemented

    10/12/2018: Debug mode and command console optimizations finished and in-game edit mode implemented

    09/13/2018: Combat gamefeel and enemy AI major improvements made

    This is a gamekit/SDK that I've been developing and has been in development for the past five years since February 22th, 2016. It's in the style of oldschool classic 2D Zelda games.


    Scirra + Nintendo

    amiltonbr, for the original base this gamekit is partially based on (although, the capx has been stripped of most of that, save for the 8d movement)

    schueppe, advice and discussion with me on how to handle ARPG mechanics in Construct 2

    dpyellow, for his old Zelda capx I found (it helped me integrate a few things, namely the pause menu, shooting/passive AI and bombs/bow/boomerang)

    R0j0hound, for his sliding against diagonal slopes example

    C-7, for an example of ledge jumping and dynamic lighting

    bbenny93, for the new replacement dialogue system (no more using a store-bought one, yay!)

    patrons, thanks so much for the spare funding and dev-support/following

    all those that showed interest here or elsewhere, thank you for letting me confirm my belief that this gamekit would do well

    A list of currently implemented features:

    *Tilesets for mapping, with original 16x16 resolution tiles (two tilesets, one on bottom for mapping, and one on top for setting collision detections for walls, etc)

    *Eight directional movement with proper animation support

    *Variables, gametext, and item configurable gamedata stored in arrays, set predefined by loaded JSON files (planning to replace them with hash-tables)

    *Basic pickupable overworld objects (keys, rupees (green, blue, red, purple), hearts, etc)

    *Signs, with proper textbox, font, letter by letter text, proper pausing and skipping

    *Pushable blocks, they move 16 tiles per push, have animations and sound, and will not move if against an obstacle

    *Switches, enough said (trigger on step, can be used to solve puzzles and can be set to deactive if stepped off of)

    *Chests, animations and sound, can be locked

    *Liftable and throwable objects (pots and grass as example)

    *Zone based camera, restricts a zoomed camera to the current room

    *Functioning doorways into other rooms (if on a big map, such as one floor of a dungeon or Hyrule Castle)

    *Proper collision detection (solid walls, working stairs in a room, etc)

    *Heart Pieces & Heart Containers

    *Hearts and magic bar system

    *Multiple AIs (standard hostile AI for Green Soldier, neutral AI for Buzzblob, ranged AI for Octorock, and example boss AI!)

    *Functional Lamp, Bombs, Boomerang, and Bow (uses a function that different outcomes depending on which object is equipped, so it's unified and self-contained)

    *Basic combat (collision detection, sword swinging, etc)

    *Inventory system (with multiple page categories such as weapons, armor, food, etc and with equipable armor/weapons/etc)

    *Sliding against diagonal slopes

    *Jumping from ledges

    *Working bridges that can be passed under/over

    *Map-changing (such as going inside of houses)

    *Lighting system (like in A Link to The Past's Hyrule Castle Sewers)

    *Proper title/menu screen with save system support that uses LocalStorage, i.e similar to browser cache but is not lost upon clearing cache (also erasing/copying saves)

    *Rebindable keys and gamepad support

    *Grid movement system accurate to ALttP, which includes smooth movement (see this gif for example) and sub-tile movement (Link just doesn't move 16 by 16, he can also move a max of four pixels if the input pressure is gentle enough)

    *Weighted random drops from pots and grass

    *Dungeon mechanics (obvious, but example puzzles, floors, map/compass/keys, simple example boss AI etc)

    *Object-environment interactions (such as lantern flames destroying grass-objects)

    *Command prompt based debug/command console that saves messages to a .txt log, has various debug commands and utilities for if debug mode is toggled on, such as log messages to warn of possible errors or fps-lag, custom bounding boxes, printing object debug-data to console, etc

    *Hash-table storage as reference for the game's many variables, self contained so the SDK is more self-reliant towards use of variables with code (such as to check a variable for a value or as a condition trigger)

    *Weather/Temperature system

    *Day/Night System

    *In game engine edit-mode

    Partially implemented/unused:

    *Doorway transition animations

    *Compiled tilemaps like this

    Planned Features (in order of priority from greatest to least):

    *Detailed starter/example map

  • Something to add.

    You should use 'state management' especially in regards to animations and/or special moves.

    I.e, "idle", "attacking", states, specifically a text instance variable or global one. Set the state to "dive" when the move is executed and disallow any other animations or types of actions if that state is enabled. Afterwards, set it to idle once the animation is finished.

  • MP3 isn't recommended for Construct 2.

    Also, webm is a rather odd format for audio and is not intended for BGM/music/sound use.

    Anyhow, the answer is:

    Don't use mp3 or webm. Use OGG and/or AAC. A good tool for OGG is Audacity, you can open audio files in it and export them as OGG.

  • > > > > > > Can you please upload a capx, to dropbox or something else?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > a problem is here.. but i not know how to solve...

    > > > > >

    > > > > > if i delete.. work good if i delete other.. nothing change... i try whit all event page..

    > > > > I asked for a capx, not a gallery of Imgur images.

    > > >

    > > > ok tnk to all i solved... size img too big in upload

    > > How big is your project's capx? Dropbox has free sign up and for free accounts, allows file sizes of up to 8-ish GB.


    > I do not like being there to do accounts anywhere

    Can't help unless you upload one.

  • Development is starting back up! Over the past 2-3 days, I've been pushing out tileset work for the gamekit and I'm proud to show off the gamekit's new interior tileset!

    Tileset screenshot

  • > > > Can you please upload a capx, to dropbox or something else?

    > >

    > > a problem is here.. but i not know how to solve...

    > >

    > > if i delete.. work good if i delete other.. nothing change... i try whit all event page..

    > I asked for a capx, not a gallery of Imgur images.

    ok tnk to all i solved... size img too big in upload

    How big is your project's capx? Dropbox has free sign up and for free accounts, allows file sizes of up to 8-ish GB.

  • Some tileset work done. Alternate link

  • > Can you please upload a capx, to dropbox or something else?

    a problem is here.. but i not know how to solve...

    if i delete.. work good if i delete other.. nothing change... i try whit all event page..

    I asked for a capx, not a gallery of Imgur images.

  • Can you please upload a capx, to dropbox or something else?

  • Can you please upload a capx, to dropbox or something else?

  • No, he's saying to have a function named "updateGUI" with those actions and to call it whenever have an event changing score or gold/diamond.

  • Have you tried int(DictionaryName.Get("KeyName"))? Maybe it's causing a type mismatch.

    Yeah okay, that worked, thanks. Something must of changed though in the past several versions (I was out of dev for +7 months) as this worked previously without the int so maybe they need to investigate it.

  • No, not actual bugs...just there are certain ways to go about things and it's more probably you not understanding how the program works overall, logic wise. Best of luck!

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  • actualy i solved whit

    after 5 push on button spawn another grey button and destroy a button...

    disappear i think is better..

    i try whit set invisible.. but if you click on invisible working..

    I made an edit, this might be better for you:

  • You might want to be a bit more clear then.

    Deactivate as in make it greyed-out or disappear?