Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • What about my question of WebGL games running in exe files? >_>

    WebGL isn't designed to be run into an exe file.

    It is an extending javascript library from Google that's interpreted in their own browser Chrome. (WebGL definition on wikipedia)

    So unless your exe is a javascript-interpreting browser, there won't be WebGL in it.

    For your other question, in two years, browsers interpreting HTML5 will have evolved, maybe HTML6 will even be around.

    DirectX9.c won't have changed though.

    So it is hard today, to give even an estimated benchmark of what will and won't run in two years.

  • DtrQ totally fits the stereotype and is pissed because of that.


  • Groups/sub event and comments as a way to help breaking down the code in organized parts.

  • Ok, so after having take a look at your .capx, I see what you mean by "bullet overrides solid behavior" but I can't think of a correct solution right now. I think though, your idea of handling its movement with the "IsColliding" variable is correct, and that you should keep working in that sense. Also, I guess bullet behavior is not the best option, you can do the same thing it does using the action Sprite.Move forward (in Size & position) once you put the angle to player's position.

    From there, in your event "mushy_env on collision with enviro" you could manually change its position alongside enviro.

    As I said though, I don't know if that's a correct solution.

    Considering your question about group objects, are you talking about families ? (another tutorial about families)

    "Families" only are implemented in CC atm, not in C2 (yet).

  • YES GO DOWN POUND GO DOWN! :P soon it's in level with ? and everyone will be happy :)

    Agreed, I'll be happy when Euros are in level with pounds.

    So yeah.

    *joins the popular rumor*

    Go down pound ! Go down !

    <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Another possibility could be : Tiled

    The editor is already functionnal, open source and exports xml formatted files in the end.

    The plugin in C2 that would have to be developped would be based on a xml parser and would recreate the structure depicted in the exported files.

    Might be something to consider, right ?

  • This plugin doesn't exist yet in C2.

    Also, I'm not sure it will be, as Javascript is not supposed to give you access to the files of the user.

    This might be workedaround using the webstorage plugin somehow, but files wouldn't be .ini format.

    You also have the opportunity of using ajax, meaning your datas would be stored in a webhosted database, and your application calls a script through ajax that would return all the infos you need (and that are stored in the database).

  • 1. Collisions; What's the way to make flag an object to collide? The Solid behavior seems turned off when combined to another behavior, like say Bullet.

    You can see in my .cap, I tried a lot of different ways (bullet speed, custom movement, asin, acos...) all unsuccesul. Basically I want the little baddie that's following my character to collide and slide along walls so I can use walls to stop its course (like in Earthbound).

    Unfortunately you provided the .caproj file, without providing the other files.

    Either you put a zip containing the full folder, or save your project as a single .capx file for this purpose.

    2. Timers; In Construct classic you could create a Wait object that you would use to count milliseconds. Now it's nowhere to be found in Construct 2 and I'm sure there is a easy way to manage delays...

    3. There are no Box objects anymore? Trigger box has to be sprites? The bunch of basic sprite drawing tools also seem to have dissapeared. How do you position hotspots/pivot points now? Just wanted to know if that stuff just moved somewhere else.

    Other than that I miss the Ctrl+P shortcut... but that's it. :)

    My cap file;

    Infinite thanks

    For 2. and 3. C2 has been and is still in developpement.

    Most of the plugins of CC haven't been ported yet to C2. In the future they probably will.

    For now, yes you have to use sprites to "emulate" box/trigger plugins and there is no image/point/hotspot editor for C2. You have to do your images out of C2 and the hotspot is nothing but the center point of your image.

    For the wait, you may workaround using the "every X sec" event combined with group. (The group is only enabled when you need it, and contain only a "every 0.1 sec" event for example, disabling the group as last action).

    C2 is yet to "grow" and being build up. I guess your needs might get fulfilled in the next monthes/years of developpement.

  • I don't wear glasses...

    Oh gasp... I can't no longer consider myself a developper...

    I'm just going to sit in that corner and cry.

  • Salut � toi Matthieu.

    Wow, a professional from Canada (Qu�bec) around, that's cool.

    Is your current (solo) project developped in Construct (2 ? classic ?) ?

    Do you have a blog (like Pascal Luban or Dan Cook) ?

    Welcome here.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • If you have incorrect javacript (syntax error probably) in your plugin's code, you might get the plugin ID error.

    Be sure to go through The MDN guide for javascript. The basics can be learnt in a couple of days if not less.

    Also be sure that the string defined in "id" field in edittime.js is the same when defining the plugin class.



      "id": "loL",


    // Plugin class
    cr.plugins.loL = function(runtime)
         this.runtime = runtime;
    (function ()
         var pluginProto = cr.plugins.loL.prototype;
  • I've looked to both your threads and it seems to me that you have an idea, a particular vision in your mind and you don't know how to "translate" it to Construct. By your messages, I think it is because of a lack of (deep) understanding of how Construct works.

    I know you have a big project planned with your team, nevertheless you should take the time to do individual small projects to learn and get confident with Construct.

    CC is more documented (because older), but most of its design and system is the same in C2.

    So I suggest you to go through the documentation of CC starting with the the ghost shooter beginners tutorial for CC (hosted by zenox98).

    It might give you the basics of CC.

    Tutorial: Platform school

    Advanced platformer example

    Here are others tutorials you might wanna follow and that will surely help you out.

    Don't hesitate to check out Jame's X collection list of all useful tutorials for CC, you basicaly will have all the answers you're looking for.

    The more you will practice and learn through tutorials, the more it will come clearer to you how to actually make games, effects and whatever you are vizualising in Construct.

    Check also Construct-Classic Wiki.

  • Scidave, this is a very nice example of HTML5 game indeed !

    HTML5 is still a young technology, and will keep growing. What lacks the most, as of now, is projects with some maturity, to really display the potential of HTML5 and C2.

    I would add to scidave's point that bugs in C2 are handled even quicker than CC's as Ashley is actively coding and scruting the forum, especially the bugs report section.

    The more peoples (teams) use C2 now and actively report bugs, the more robust and stable Construct2 will be. And the more reports, the sooner the software improves and is validated as stable.

  • Thank you Ashley. Hopefully more devs will look into making plugins and behaviors for C2.

    I have a suggestion here, adding a "version" field to the plugin settings. This might help for future iterations over existing plugins.

  • I'm still being outvoted though :)

    Well, as the question is asked, yes.

    I mean, Tom is working on the theme for scirra's website. This means, this is your image, what you want to reflect to the user. When we (members of the community) arrive on your site the theme makes us feel this and that way, because of the colors you choose, the arrangement, etc...

    As mentionned earlier in the discussion, you could provide different themes/variations of colors, and let the user pick the CSS he likes best. Maybe even customize his own css for his own account (is that possible ?).

    If you have but just one theme, you won't be able to obtain a 100% approval by the community, because of all the tastes and the number of users. In this combination there will be at least one person that won't like the color, the way things are arranged, etc...

    That's life.

    So either propose different versions, or just propose one, which is the one version you picked, because, in your tastes and opinion, it represents the image you want to give out from Scirra.

    On a personnal note, I like the blue version, but I like also the green current one. The "greener" Lucid's theme is even more harmonious, hence better, so it might be a good alternative too.

    In the end the multiple choices option would be cool, and could allow me to switch the theme of the site when I grow tired of the current theme (a bit like I'm changing my desktop's wallpaper every 6 months or so ^^).