Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • It depend, you have several ways of doing.

    Let's take this way were the tutSprite is made of 3 frames (the actual 3 images you're depicting). They are all part of the same sprite tutSprite.

    Make also a global variable "isTut" a number.

    We will test "isTut" to check if you are in the tutorial or not during the execution of our app.

    Event - System Compare global variable - "isTut" = 1

    ..Sub Event - Keyboard - On any key pressed

    Other condition of this subevent^ - tutSprite - Compare animation frame - Frame is equal 1

    ....Action tutSprite - Set animation frame to 2

    ..Sub Event - Keyboard - On any key pressed

    Other condition of this subevent^ - tutSprite - Compare animation frame - Frame is equal 2

    ....Action tutSprite - Set animation frame to 3

    ..Sub Event - Keyboard - On any key pressed

    Other condition of this subevent^ - tutSprite - Compare animation frame - Frame is equal 3

    ....Action System - set global variable "isTut" to 0

    ....Action hide tutSprite, or destroy it, or whatever...

    When you make tutSprite appear, and display its frame 1, remember to set "isTut" to 1 to indicate "Tutorial is on".

    It is a way of doing, but not the only one.

    In the end, it all depends on the specifics of your project, and the effect you want to apply.

  • 4 posts above yours is a link to the old forum's post containing the file as attachment.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • About the fading message problem, finally I found a way to do it by chance(which is actually really simple)

    When player collide with the "Panel", I then create the condition "System---> Create object"(which is the message sprite I want), instead of adjusting with visible or opacity as I did in previous time.

    and it now work perfectly, also with proper fade behavior! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Indeed that works and work well, cool workaround.

    P.S. For some reason, I found that sometimes some event is not properly triggered, but after I delete that event and create the new one with the same event and condition, it happened to work just fine!

    (maybe a bug in Construct?)

    It's possible that it's a bug.

    If you can reproduce the bugging events in a .capx and report it in the bug section with the informations required in this post, I'm sure Ashley will take a close look into it.

    Finaly concerning your game : You have an image moving in the background in peculiar which has a green background. And it is possible to see a "low flickering" between this green background and the white background of the layout. Either change the color of the background, or make this image's background transparent for more continuity.

    Keep up the good work.

  • Tutorial: Platform school

    Advanced platformer example

    Here are others tutorials you might wanna follow and that will surely help you out.

    Don't hesitate to check out Jame's X collection list of all useful tutorials for CC, you basicaly will have all the answers you're looking for.

  • Yes.

    You would have to adapt a bit though. There aren't as many plugins for C2 yet as there are for CC, so some plugin handled things of CC would require more events in C2.

    But the workflow, events system, etc... is pretty much the same.

    The "what you need to think about while designing a game" still stands, even if you might need to "translate" a bit to C2 working project.

    Take as much experience as you can on CC (which is more documented since older). Do small to mid projects and complete them.

    Then, switch to C2, or do it in parallel (like following the tut in CC, see it work, understand it, reproduce in C2).

    Or you can stick to CC, it will all depend about the type of projects you're aiming for.

  • Tutorial: Platform school

    Advanced platformer example

    Mickey's adventure

    Here are others tutorials you might wanna follow and that will surely help you out.

    Don't hesitate to check out Jame's X collection list of all useful tutorials for CC, you basicaly will have all the answers you're looking for.

  • Exactly the cold is what makes it feel a bit more professional to me(just add smaller font sizes and we are halfway done :P ).

    Agreed (and agreed). ^^

  • Yes GSPforChrist.

    More a contraction or dev/gamer slang.

  • I guess the blue theme looks more professional, whereas the green tone looks more toyish even though I grew acustomed with it, quite apeasing.

    The blue on grey might give a more adult/professional look to the whole site.

  • Add System."trigger once while true" condition to the event that checks the pressed button.

  • Enigma, what chrisbob gave you a few posts earlier are events to put in your event sheet, nothing to do with python scripting.

    If you don't know the difference I suggest you to check out the ghost shooter beginners tutorial for CC (hosted by zenox98)

    It might give you the basics of CC. Then follow chrisbobs instructions.

  • Demotivational posters

    The design of your poster (black border, text under it) reminded me a lot of the one of demotivational posters.

    Now it appears you never even heard of it, so it is accidental.

    You can also understand the reaction it triggers to people knowing about demotivational posters.

    At last you should rather consider the posts in this topics as constructive criticism to help you improve your poster, rather than negative remarks.

    Don't take it the wrong way.

    Most of them are true : the quality of the models (high poly, full textured etc) on your poster can lead to believe that CC is able and made for such models. It can display it, true, but as scidave pointed out, it is not "out of the box" and requires quite a load of work prior.

    Maybe adding screenshot of 2D games to the (empty) background and having some 3D models and some 2D characters in the foreground will help having a better visualization of the purpose of CC.

    Else you're right, "imagination is the limit" that's why I find this promo a bit empty. It lacks elements, it lacks crazyness.

    You can do it far better, especially if it is meant as a promo/marketing purpose.

    Once again, constructive criticism, not just blatant "huh you're doing wrong go and hide under a rock". ^^

    I'm now waiting for the next version.

  • Also, is it just me or that promo actually looks like a demotivational poster? :P


    At first I thought the topic was ironical because of that.

  • 1. You need to modify event2.

    Create a new event, System - Trigger once while true.

    Add the Collision event/condition (between player and monster) to it, as well as you add 1 to score.

    It now works.

    Unfortunately, you can't add the "Trigger once" as "Add another condition", that's why you have to create a new event. But this will correct your "bug".

    2. The problem comes from the fade behavior.

    I don't master it, but instead of making msg_needmore visible, set its opacity to 100.

    Here you go, the msg_more appears again. But the fade behavior does not retrigger. (so the second time, msg_more just stays up, and does not fade again)

    I guess you could handle the fading in events. (msg_needmore.opacity = msg_needmore.opacity - 1 until it's 0)

    3. Once again, the fade behavior seems making trouble.

    I removed it from msg_goodjob.

    I also modified event4 so that it is only "System.Score is greater or equal 5".

    Once my score reaches 5, msg_goodjob displays.

    I guess previously the fade behavior, already had it disappeared and so, setting it to visible didn't work as its opacity was 0 anyway.

    So same as 2. you should handle fading in events.

    Hope it helps. Nice gfx in your project ;)

  • but could there be 1 area where we can go to find all these things much more easily

    An area like a completed addon section where completed addons are stocked in topics ?

    It could even support a sub forum for work in progress, addons that aren't final yet, but still can be tested.

    Man that would be so awesome indeed. Oh wait, that's already the case. Wow...

    And if you want to hear about the new ones, just chacke those sections once every day, and you'll be kept up to date.