KrushBrother's Forum Posts

  • He's after new syllable sets Newt, not lists of names.

    I'm going to have a play with this now.

    Incidentally Arsonide, did you base any of this on Umbra's work?

    I remember reading up on this for my game a while back, and his was one of the better techniques for implementing this.

    Anyway, I'm going to see what syllable lists I can come up with.

    Great work again.


  • You make some very good points in your post.

    I'm not a big fan of what's being added to browsers either.

    It's almost as if everyone is getting so excited about the potential that they're trying to run before they can walk.

    I've no doubt that most of these loopholes will be plugged, along with others that are discovered as we go on, but early adopters should be careful.

    The majority of those early adopters will be casual computer users, and they're the ones really at risk because with all the hype behind it, they'll assume it's safe.


  • I won't have time to check this until much later today (again), but I just wanted to post to say thanks.

    I've been looking forward to this.

    As I said in another post, I've been using seeded randoms to create my world space, and I've had to develop a system to make sure everything was connected to the original seed, etc, but this looks like it will do all that for me, and more.

    So I'm more than happy to rewrite my code to use this, because in the long run, it'll be much more flexible for what I need.

    Not enough hours in the day.


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  • Wonderful mate.

    Really nice.

    I've spent the last couple of weeks using Lucid's "S" to give me reliable seeded numbers, and using them to create my worlds, but of course, this required me making sure that they all originate from the same seeded number.

    This has worked well so far, but it's not finished yet, and I think I may have to halt work on that, as this seems to be perfect for what I need.

    Really looking forward to this (I keep saying this about your plugins. )

    I'm not going to ask how long before you release it........(taps fingers on desk)......

    How long?


  • "And as he bathed in the bright light of knowledge, he felt stupidity being swept away!"

    Lol, yeah, it was just a misplaced bracket which was rounding the number before it was multiplied.

    Who knows how long I'd have been staring at that before realising it.

    Thanks guys.

    Arsonide; the second image is just a tiled background into which I loaded the noise.bmp, and scrolled it with the offset function.

    It was just to make sure that it tiled seamlessly when using 1 heightmap (planet size), which it does.

    I'm not sure what you're seeing in the screen grab, but there is no scrolling of the image using the plugin at all.

    Thanks again.

    Now I'm getting the data I was looking for, I can start having some fun with this.



  • Woo hoo!

    I finally found some time to sit down with this, to see if I can use it for what I have in mind.

    I'm just testing out some of the features, like tiling, and I like what I'm seeing.

    Having fun with this.

    The only one of my tests that failed is the GetNoiseAt function.

    I notice in the first tutorial you released (which doesn't work since the update BTW), that you rounded the result and multiplied by 100 to get values between -100 and 100, but by doing the same I only get zero or 100 returned.

    If I leave out the multiply, I just get 0 or 1 returned.

    My test consists of a 128x128 sprite, creating a perlin noise map of the same size, and applying it to the sprite, which looks fine.

    But when using GetNoiseAt, it doesn't seem to return what I expect.

    <img src="">

    Ignore the second image box.

    It's scrolling, just so I could test the tiling.

    Any ideas?


  • Yeah, it's not so much the detail, as I love retro graphics.

    It's just that I think the main characters and maybe some of the foregrounds need to be a little bit lighter, so that there's a bit more contrast.

    Just a little.

    If you think back to the "days of yore" and the commodore 64's limited palette, you ended up with most games looking "washed out", and that's what this game feels to me.

    I know the effect they're going for.

    I just don't think they've managed to get the contrast right, as others have.

    Shame, because I have some MS points on XBox Live that I haven't used yet.


  • Love the gameplay mechanics.

    Just the sort of game I like to play.

    Unfortunately, I'm not fond of the silhouette graphical style.

    It looks nice, but in my opinion, it's been over-used for the last couple of years on several indie titles.

    I'd forgive it for that if they just lightened it a bit.

    And bear in mind that I use a 32" LCD screen for my main computer monitor, and I watched that video in the 720HD format, and it's still unbearable.

    Maybe the capture darkened it a bit, which does happen if you don't capture with full lossless RGB.

    Loved the gameplay though.

    Did I mention that?


  • Welsh first, and British second.

    I'm obviously proud to be Welsh, as most people should be about their birth country, and despite our unique 4 Countries in a Country setup, I'm still (for the main part) proud to be British.

    The royal family isn't a reason.

    I have no interest in anything they say or do, and the build-up to this wedding has been excruciating.

    Our media seems to think that everyone is interested in them.

    And you're right.

    They're nothing more than a bunch of pampered celebrities.



  • It was an error in my code that was returning the wrong index.

    There's no erroneous characters in my strings as they are assembled in the program rather than from a file.

    I finally decided to use the function object to write a function that I can pass the strings to which will then return the amount of matches found.

    The main reason for this is that I do need to use delimiters for some of the strings, as there are entries of different lengths in some of them, and using the function object allows me to use the Get Token and Get Token Count to loop through varied lengths of text and get accurate results with the matches.

    So far so good.



  • See, I wouldn't have looked for "Find".

    I was busy looking at the various text functions for it.

    This will work perfectly for what I want.

    Thanks again mate.

    BTW, I notice that the index returned for the very first letter in the string is 2, instead of what I presumed would be zero.

    It doesn't affect what I need to do with Find, as I don't need the returned value, but just out of curiosity, anyone know why?


  • I don't want to resort to Python if I can help it (I'm having to do that more often than I'd like), but I thought I'd just check with you guys first, just in case it is buried somewhere in Construct.

    What I need to do is get the number of matches between a delimiter-separated text variable "a,b,c,d,e" etc, and a given text like "a".

    I can obviously do this with events, but what I need is to be able to use it within a condition, like

    If FindToken(Global('TextVariable'),"a",",")>0

    Which returns true if one or more "a" is found in the Variable.

    I can see Get Token and Get Token Count in there, but I can't see a FInd Token or equivalent.

    Is there one in there?


  • Project zippo


  • Excellent!

    I was going to attempt to replicate what I've done with PRNGs in Unity, by using Python for use with Construct, but it sounds like this plugin will do everything I need it to do, so I'll put that on hold.

    Nice work.


  • Still looking forward to this.

    One question though.

    Does the plugin allow access to the noise data mathematically for use with calculations, or is it just for rendering?

    Also, is it possible to use seeds to generate the same noise data every time?
