KrushBrother's Forum Posts

  • I understand. I wasn't asking because I'm against HTML 5 or anything (which I'm not, I honestly don't know much about it at all since it's not a widely used or widely known standard yet), I just figured that since .exe is a staple of pretty much all game creators, that it's planned to be included at some point, and I was hoping that embedding music and sounds in the .exe would be the route this time instead of the folders system... just wondering...

    I don't think it's planned to be included.

    As far as I can remember, it will be a paid for extension, and may not even be written by Ash, but by a 3rd party instead.

    My banner says it all.

    I haven't used C2 yet, and probably won't until/if an exe exporter is available.

    I'm still enjoying Construct 0.x, and it's the only programming tool that encroaches on my Unity and Java time.


  • Yeah, sorry.

    Sometimes it's easy to forget that some people have just started using Construct, and may not be familiar with it yet.

    If all your enemies are the same type (multiple copies of the same enemy), then do what Alspal has written.

    If you have more than one type of monster, add each type to the same family (say "Blue") in the editor (see wiki if you're not sure how to do this) and then instead of using enemy.count in the condition, use Blue.count.


  • Hi mate.

    Since we last spoke about this, knowing that it might be a while before you release it, I decided to do a little study on procedural generation, and I am currently experimenting with fractal Brownian motion, or fBm for planet generation, but this is in Unity.

    Really looking forward to seeing your plugin.

    Can already think of a few uses for this in Construct.

    Don't keep us waiting too long.


  • Yep, for me, my current scrolling platformer is 640x480 scaled up to whatever is needed to keep the pixel look of the graphics, but if I wasn't going for the pixel look, I'd probably go for 1024x768 as my maximun resolution before stretching.

    I know it's tempting to try and go for the "HD" resolutions, but personally I've never bought a game because it was HD, and prefer my games to have gameplay.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • A better way would be to use the .count function of objects.

    If all the enemies are the same type then check for enemy.count to equal zero each time you kill an enemy.

    If you have many different types of enemy, make sure they're all in the same family, and check the count of that family instead, like Blue.count = 0.


  • Once again, I salute you guys.

    My array has now become a 3D array with the development of the game, but that's easy enough to sort.

    This technique will allow me to package up everything I need for packs of 25 levels, complete with pack-specific custom spritesheets, etc.


    Thanks guys.


  • Ok, here's one for you.

    For this project, I've decided to stick with a normal array object rather than using S, mainly because of the amount of work I'd already put into the editor.

    But I would still like to utilise S to pack up my level data.

    So here's the question;

    If I have several array objects with the level data in them, is it possible to use S to save them into an encrypted file, so that when the level pack is loaded using S, the arrays are filled with the data that they were when saved?

    My initial tests seem to suggest that the array data is not saved with the object.

    If this is the case, is there a chance of an update that could allow this.


  • If someonehas 100% of the market then he can set highest price, so id on't think this would be a good idea.

    The prices aren't controlled that way for video games.

    I've never seen any of them reducing game prices to compete with each other.

    That tends to be done at store level.

    Or do you mean the consoles themselves?

    That could be a worry, although I wouldn't pay more than the ?200-?300 I'm prepared to pay for them now, so they'd have to be sensible about the price.

    Of course, another problem is that if they all banded together to make one console, someone somewhere would see a gap in the market as a rival, and release their own console.



  • its only months until ps4 or xbox460 comes out with superHD (you know)

    I doubt that we'll see a PS4 any time soon.

    They've reached 50 million units with the PS3, and it's thought that it will be several years before Sony decide to make another console.

    I expect Microsoft to release a new console though, even though the 360 is selling well, and the Kinect is flying out of the stores.

    I too would like to see one console made by all 3 companies.

    They could share the cost of making it (they sell at a loss for each of them anyway, so that would be plus for all of them), and then share the license revenue for the games.

    Of course, we come to the same point I made earlier.

    The leading company wouldn't want to share, and those lagging behind would.

    Microsoft had the share of the market by releasing the 360 earlier than it's competitors, and wouldn't have wanted to share that with the others, but probably would now.

    Sony would have laughed at the thought of sharing with Nintendo during the PS2 years, but I'm sure they'd love a third of the market right now.

    And Nintendo would have loved to have made a deal with Microsoft and Sony before they released the Wii, but there's no way they'd consider giving up their lead now.

    I don't think it will ever happen, which is a shame.

    Basically, they're all winning (I sound like Charlie Sheen!).

    Personally, besides the obvious benefits of one console to rule them all


  • "Don't believe the hype!"

    (I'm tempted to start rapping!)

    Seriously though, I would have thought that news like that would have been taken with a pinch of salt by the people on these forums.

    Nintendo have the market share because of their mostly casual and bland games (with the exception of Zelda and Mario IMO) and their appeal to family gamers with the novelty of the wii remote.

    Now both Microsoft and Sony have gone down that road with their games, peripherals and marketing, and it's working.

    Sony have shifted 8 million of those hysterical looking Move controllers, and although that's plenty, they're still 2 million units behind the Kinect which has shifted 10 million (even though the Move has been out 2 months longer than Kinect)

    This all adds up to them all doing very nicely thanks to the casual, family gamer, and I don't see any of them being prepared to give up such a large slice of the pie to the others.

    Regardless of what the Wii 2 turns out to be, if it ever happens at all, the most you'll get is a couple of hardcore-type games to test the water, buried under a pile of average/nice/let's not offend anyone type games.

    Anyone remember the shock/horror of Resident Evil coming to the Wii (or was it the GameCube), and how it was going to be a new direction for Nintendo?



  • lucid; I was being sarcastic, hence the lol and the smiley.

    ehm... I'm Italian. i'm sorry

    No need to apologize mate.

    Try explaining it carefully in many sentences, and then run it through an online translator.

    I'm sure we'll get what you mean.


  • Sorry for the late response, but I've been stupidly busy.

    Thanks for the input guys.

    Helpful as ever.

    I've made 2 versions of the editor, one using the spatial info, and another using an array to keep all the level info I need, and I'm writing the level loading routines to use either, so I can decide which I'm happier with.

    I just need some spare time at the moment to get back into it.


  • Follett; I'm pretty sure that he wants the end-user to be able to re-define the keys in the option menu of his game.

    As for the Input System Plugin, isn't it buggy?

    I've never used it, but I seem to remember it being mentioned.

    Maybe it's been fixed since, as it was a long time ago.


  • The two threads have been merged.

    Ahh, that's a lot less confusing now! lol


  • Have 2 pieces of music pre-recorded, one twice the tempo of the other, and start them both playing together at the same time, with the volume of the faster one set at zero and it's frequency set to half the normal.

    Then when you need the speed-up music to kick in, simply set the fast music to it's normal frequency, and it's volume to normal, and the normal music volume to zero and it's frequency to double it's normal.

    This should always keep them in sync as you switch between the two.
