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  • Anyone heard of this new game on xbox live called Outland? Apparently is very very good. Looks briliant. Unfortunetaly my box is X, no-more, so i want have a plesure to play it. But it looks like it could be pulled out in construct easly.

    http://uk.ign.com/videos/2011/04/29/out ... deo-review

  • This game does look really pretty. Unfortunately I don't have my 360 any more

  • Found reeally cool first 15 min video on eurogamer

    http://www.eurogamer.net/videos/outland ... 15-minutes

    hopefuly they will bring it to the pc. Y not?

  • Love the gameplay mechanics.

    Just the sort of game I like to play.

    Unfortunately, I'm not fond of the silhouette graphical style.

    It looks nice, but in my opinion, it's been over-used for the last couple of years on several indie titles.

    I'd forgive it for that if they just lightened it a bit.

    And bear in mind that I use a 32" LCD screen for my main computer monitor, and I watched that video in the 720HD format, and it's still unbearable.

    Maybe the capture darkened it a bit, which does happen if you don't capture with full lossless RGB.

    Loved the gameplay though.

    Did I mention that?


  • Hehe Krush. i don't mind this art style yet as I don't think I've played single game with it ( thought there's planty) but yeah, I my thought ware similair thought a bit less critical. It's just easy to make graphic like that and i think they look decent in high resolution. If they would go for detail then it would probably take 3 times more recources than it did.

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  • Yeah, it's not so much the detail, as I love retro graphics.

    It's just that I think the main characters and maybe some of the foregrounds need to be a little bit lighter, so that there's a bit more contrast.

    Just a little.

    If you think back to the "days of yore" and the commodore 64's limited palette, you ended up with most games looking "washed out", and that's what this game feels to me.

    I know the effect they're going for.

    I just don't think they've managed to get the contrast right, as others have.

    Shame, because I have some MS points on XBox Live that I haven't used yet.


  • I get it.

    Just as a thought, with all ps brushes avaible this days, making graphics like that seams way easier then pixelart.

  • I get it.

    Just as a thought, with all ps brushes avaible this days, making graphics like that seams way easier then pixelart.


    Seriously that's like going out and buying some frozen cookie dough, using the generic gingerbread cutter, and saying "see aren't I talented!".

  • > I get it.


    > Just as a thought, with all ps brushes avaible this days, making graphics like that seams way easier then pixelart.



    Seriously that's like going out and buying some frozen cookie dough, using the generic gingerbread cutter, and saying "see aren't I talented!".


    I agree, with you,and though i paint with brush too, I love the simplicity and efficiency of ps brushes

    And just a thought, when you look at the game and you think that the graphics looks great, you don't really look for the name of people who made it, do you?

    So my point will be that for personal creations it's good to show some more tallent, but for corporate work - nah, just do it as efficienlty as possible.

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