open capx in C2... save as project in new folder..delete folder with old project....
just use 8 and 12
in animation first frame is 0....8=anim.frame 9
..add Box1, Box02, Box03 and more..... in Family"Solid"...
.add boolean instanceVar for enemy"overlap"
Enemy Set Position :
X = random(ViewportLeft(0)..
Y = random(ViewportTop(0...
set "overlap" to True..
Enemy is overlapping "Solid"
Is " overlap"............................. set position to ..Solid-Solid/2
Enemy is NOT overplapping "Solid" ..set "overlap" to False..
maybe.. just maybe... this can work well for you
(evidently...can not test this..)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Are you sure about that?
with only 3 weapons..is quite simply..
Add another condition...touch - is in touch
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,arrow..Pick top instance............. --> arrow - spawn arrow