add link..or upload capx
Ok..I understand google translator, it is not always the best.. so I prefer capx examples..
so..if I find the time between the holidays, drinks and meals ..for penalty kick example..
..I'll send you P.M
animator can you post a simple capx?
Thanks Man Burvey !
You can do all this without plugins..but it requires 10 or 15 events more ..
..and I use free version of C2(100events limit..) I use every shortcut
Hope I make any sens, it's almost 4 AM over here ^^
Same here... Wesolych Swiat shinkan
Merry Christmas and ...C2 boys and girls ...
........Korbaach...Lao People's Democratic Republic
How do I make 3D Game in 2D Game engine?
please, one more time....
Ok.. I believe you...but .. i do not understand (see my signature )
how you check "Episode" ..if E=1 do..If E=2 do..... ?
Edit: — you dont need webstorage for all levels just for last.. webstorage key "last level" & global variable" Last level"....if player "win" on level 1 ..set "last leve" tol 1..
you can simply use Dictionary: Has key "Episode1" -> do your events.
you can simply use
Dictionary: Has key "Episode1" -> do your events.
Dictionary: Has key "Episode2" -> do your events.
Dictionary: Has key "Episode3" -> do your events.
Dictionary: Has key "Episode4" -> do your events....
....and you have 100 events again
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I mad too ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
MoveTo+Rotate+Pin (or pin2imagepoint)
wait a second!...
.., see the Blend modes.capx example in Construct 2's examples folder.