keepee's Forum Posts

  • On bomb clicked

    For each crate

    compare two variables: distance(bomb.x,bomb.y,crate.x,crate.y ) < bomb.radius

    ---> apply force ....

  • for some reason the collision polygon is what's making it veer around to face the left.

    Setting it to box stops this from happening

    could be a bug with physics behaviour

    Other than that, to 'tighten' the controls I'd recommend setting linear/angular damping pretty high, and increasing the forces/torque applied to compensate. This will lower the inertia

  • Another request to Tom to delete my game

  • Using a smaller object underneath just for the collision isn't so bad, only one extra object.

  • use the 'choose' expression, it randomly returns one out of however many strings

    set text to choose( text1, text2, text3, etc)

  • 01lifeleft

    Here's a simpler way brah

    Also I think I may have found a bug in the .pickedcount expression.

    To anyone reading: check the disabled events in the cap above.. It doesn't seem to go below 1... I'm fairly certain this isn't right.. Can anyone else confirm?

  • You just need to add another condition. For example, check to see if a global variable "pinging" equals 1

    and when you don't want it to ping just set "pinging" to 0

    alternatively, you could just disable the group that it's in.

    The text visibility will be checked on every single tick.. and moving on to the next condition it will then check to see if ten seconds have elapsed since the first time the action/ping happened. If so it will ping again.

  • you could use distance( ) expression but just leave the Y values as 0

    or just do

    objectA.x - ObjectB.X

    and put it in abs( ) if you need it to stay a positive number.

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  • You can't change the angle of the particles gravity.

    but you can set the particles angle and use the accelerate to make it speed up at that angle.

    Alternatively make your own particles system using sprites.

  • I'm not sure exactly what you mean but you could use the expression:


    which will randomly return one of the strings

  • Does the error message say anything else?

    I had a similar problem after a crash, where certain images couldn't be located.

    I fixed it by opening the .capx in winrar and renaming image files :\

    dunno if it's the same for you though.

  • You're using a 'step' behaviour plugin which means anyone without that plugin can't open your .capx

    Just letting you know.

  • I gave Orange an instance variable

    People have been saying they can't download from my dropbox.. if that's the case for you, then try in firefox, otherwise I'll just write down what I did here.

  • If you do decide to use the mouse I think the best way to do it would be to make the helicopter move simply camera-relative.. (where pressing up/down/left/right will always move the helicopter in that direction relative to the screen, regardless of the helicopters angle)

    Also, you can smooth out and limit the rotational speed in a similar way you smooth out directions and limit their move speed.

    Instead of setting the heli's angle to the mouse, set a variable 'targetangle' to the mouse... and have the heli.angle move towards that gradually using one of ..many.. methods..

  • hmm not sure If i know what you mean..

    just to check, you are aware that the helicopter faces the direction of the mouse, right?