keepee's Forum Posts

  • That's some awesome stuff right here..

    The camera is great but have you thought about having it so that whatever parameters you are currently using to set the ScrollX/Y, you could instead use those parameters to set target variables "TargetX/Y" and have other events to make the ScrollX/Y itself move smoothly towards the targetx/y.

    just a thought to make the movement smoother.

    also a few questions :p

    Where do I find pixel webfonts!? or did you host your own?

    Are you using platform behaviour or are you using your own collision detection?

    When the character rotates to stand correctly on slopes, is that done with a variable attached to the slope or is there some sort of detector that works automatically for any surface? <(I tried doing this in The games factory years ago but utterly failed)

  • "Sprite.AnimationFrame+1 %Sprite.animationFrameCount" To make it loop back round to 0

  • A cap would be really useful for understanding your problem

    I'm not sure .. but it seems like it may be caused when values are going above 360 or below 0

    I'd recommend adding some sort of debug text object in the layout, and get that to display all the values that are involved.

    if any are above 360, then include a '%360' to the value.. this will cause it to loop back around to 0 if it's above 360. eg: 370%360 would equal 10

    If it's below 0, then add 360 to it.

    However I did this before they added the "is between angles" and "is within angle" conditions, and also the "anglediff", "anglelerp" expressions.. I have a feeling these would have solved my problems easier.

    But yeah, post a cap. :p

  • After the loop is finished, the game simply moves on to the next event below.

    The 4 repeats would all happen on each single read-through of the event sheet (1 tick), so for example: 'repeat 4 times>' would be the equivalent of having the same event 4 times consecutively.

    Whereas the non-existant "trigger 4 times" would cause it to happen on each tick for the next 4 ticks... which I have a feeling is how you imagined loops to work. (I was the same)

    If the sub-events conditions aren't met, then it's actions and any further sub-events won't run.

    This is the same case for sub-events everywhere... The loop will continue if it has other stuff to do.

  • The expressions for Physics properties (such as Sprite.Physics.Density) will pick the values from the first object in the behaviours corresponding family.. rather than the object specified.

    So say we have Sprite1 and Sprite2 in the same family, and give that family the Physics Behaviour...

    using the expression sprite2.physics.density will return Sprite1's density instead.

    Same for elasticity, friction, etc

    Here's a cap:

    I haven't tested this with other types of behaviour.

  • Tom

    Could you remove my game also please?

    Was going to keep updating it but it's taking me too long.


  • It's similar, but that solution was only for parallax

    I need it to take into account the layers Scale and Rotation also

    Something that was linked to caught my eye though..

    The bottom of this manual entry:

    Layer functions



    Convert from canvas coordinates to layer coordinates. Useful for converting e.g. mouse co-ordinates to layer co-ordinates. See Mouse for an example.

    Sounds like it could be the thing that is used for the mouse.x("layer") expression.. Which would be exactly what I need. I just have no idea how to implement this.

  • Whoops.. I just downloaded r99 and previewed the cap in that, it seems to be working now.. should have checked the changelog I guess

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  • I went ahead and made that example anyway

    Export link:


    I'm using r95 btw

  • Bump

  • The fullscreen scale modes (scale/ Letterbox scale/ Letterbox integer scale) refer to each layers scale rates, instead of being separate.

    It basically means if you have a game with variation in scale rates of layers, the fullscreen scale modes won't work properly.

    Simple example: a HUD layer with scale rate set to zero won't scale for the games zoom (which is correct) but also means it doesn't scale to meet the window size with fullscreen modes on.

    I'll make a quick cap if that didn't explain very well.


  • hi

    So there's this useful expression: "mouse.x("layer")" which returns the position of the mouse relative to the specified layer, taking into account the layers rotation, scale and parallax scroll.

    I was wondering how to recreate this expression, so it can be applied to objects.

    Here's a quick cap demonstrating the problem

    download link

    Thanks for looking, it's been bugging me all day!

    also is there a way to delete games off the arcade?

  • If you decide to use the physics behaviour, you can apply force at angle.

    If the helicopter horizontal, is angle 0 then the W to Increase throttle should apply force towards self.angle-90 (i think)

    This will apply the force helicopter-relative.

  • set timescale to 1-timescale

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Posting just to say I recognised the background texture of your avatar from Doom. Respect.