keatingb's Forum Posts

  • Hm... I'm pretty sure that pathfinding works, so long as it's on the layout (That is to say, not on the margins) It's possible some other part of your code is interfering. Can you post a capx of your project? Hope I can help!

  • ramyaswetha Can you upload your capx for us so we can check out what you did? It can be a little challenging to debug code involving math if we can't see the events. Thanks!

  • It shouldn't be too bad, I don't think. Include the light source, and then attach shadow caster behaviors to whatever you want casting a shadow. Tell you what, I'll play with it a bit tonight, and if I come up with something I'll let you know.

  • Groups are an AWESOME compartmentalization tool. Another one I'm fond of is using just an absurd amount of event sheets for further de-tangling. All my UI stuff is in my UI evSheet. The one downside is I keep forgetting to include the new event sheets in to the gameloop's main event sheet, so I'll spend twenty minutes coding something, try it out, and have it not work, then spend twenty minutes going through my own code trying to figure out what I messed up, until someone watching my stream goes "Hey Brendan, remember when you told us to remind you to check if you included the event sheet? Well, did you remember to include the event sheet?"

    I then bang my head on my desk, fix the problem, and get back to coding. xD

  • AM_Games keep in mind Steam Direct will still provide an indie route to getting your game on Steam. Last I heard, the price point for steam is still going to be pretty low, it'll just be per game.

    That being said, I'm currently developing my game with both console and PC in mind, so it would be amazing to have XBOX as an export option.

  • Let's play "How Many Times Can Keating Say Diagnose In One Post?"

    ... *headdesk*

  • Hey maf5713!

    A .capx file is what happens when you save your project as a single file from the file menu.

    On the scirra forums, this is an easy plug and play save file with which we can more thoroughly diagnose problems with your code, and help figure out what is wrong. It's often the case that the problem isn't where you'd expect it to be, so it's helpful to be able to look at the whole project and diagnose the code from there.

    I recommend Google Drive to upload your capx, and then post the link here so we can download and diagnose.

    Hope that helps!

  • Oh wow. Okay. That tutorial is from 2012. Holy crap.

    So instead of making the object reposition to the empty box every tick, instead, use the pin behavior as I explained above. Try putting the platform behavior on both, but with Pin I don't actually think that's a good idea, as at best the Pin will make the game ignore the animation's jump behavior, and at worst, it will double jump for every press.

  • Just because no one directly responded to Ashley 's response to Everade: Dear god, no, please don't drop multiplayer support.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Tom I just wanted to thank both you and Ashley for the enormous amount of transparency you guys are able to provide. Like the original post's author, I'm grumpy I can't have the paid version yet, and it basically means I'm waiting till May to import my project and start digging in to C3, but it means a lot that you guys take the time to talk to us and explain the reasons behind what you're doing.

    In the mean time, Construct 2 is still pretty cool. ^_^

    Keep up the awesome work, guys!

  • I'm not actually sure that this is possible. I would recommend downloading the audio and adding it in to your project. Also, if your project is commercial, make sure you have the licenses

  • I'm a little confused by how you've worded your problem, but I'll throw some advice, see if it sticks.

    If you're trying to keep an object on top of another object, I would recommend trying the "pin" behavior. Put pin on the object that DOESN'T accept input, and at the start of the layout, set its position to the object that DOES accept input and set the pin. Then put your arrow keys/space bar input on the object without the pin.

    Pin automatically sets position/angle according to the object it was pinned to. Hope that helps!

  • AHH my bad! Sorry I'm just getting back in to Construct after way too long away, so I'm glad you were able to fix that one. I'm glad I was able to set you on the right path, though! Happy coding.

  • Hey there! Can you explain a little more thoroughly what you're looking for? Do you need enemies to spawn at random times, or random enemies to spawn at the same time interval? Do you need random positioning, or just the set position?

    From what I understood, you have two enemies you want to spawn at random intervals. I would do this:

    1. Global variable: NextTimer = 1

    2. Local variable: EnemyChance

    3. Every Next Timer Seconds > Set EnemyChance to random(1,2)

    4. ^Subevent to 3 - If 1, Spawn enemy 1, If 2, Spawn enemy 2.

    5. ^Subevent to 3 - Set NextTimer to Random (0.5, 2)

    Only one of the enemies will spawn at a time, the interval between spawns will change every spawn, and you can play with the values to fine tune the effect.

  • antided This isn't a Construct 2 bug, this is a hard limit with Windows and MSDN. The drivers supporting controllers have a max limit of 4, which you would need to program your own utility to circumvent. As it isn't possible with native controller support, Construct 2 doesn't support eight controllers. Hope that helps.