How can we add coins depending on points that we earn.For example if we got 5 points then there should be an increase in coins by one and this should repeat.(in short for every 5 points i should get one coin)
System compare two values - points%5=0
Trigger once
Add coin
(Only works if you add one point at a time)
If you add more points at a time, maybe set up a "points until next coin" value, and if you overshoot that you can award coins accordingly, then set it to 5-points÷5.
I did these but i dnt got it.Is there any other method to do it.Please help me
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ramyaswetha Can you upload your capx for us so we can check out what you did? It can be a little challenging to debug code involving math if we can't see the events. Thanks!
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7tzan36yhnpjg ... .capx?dl=0
There are two layouts with the two ways I mentioned to handle it.