Katala's Forum Posts

  • You're welcome EddyDingDongs , Sadly this is still an issue.

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  • Make example object zone that is the size of your level or the area where you want the camera to move and use this.

    Scroll to X = lerp(scrollx,(clamp(hero.X,zone.X+(round(ViewportRight(0)-ViewportLeft(0))/2),zone.X+zone.Width-(160))),0.1*60*dt)
    Scroll to Y = lerp(scrolly,(clamp(hero.Y,zone.Y+(round(ViewportBottom(0)-ViewportTop(0))/2),zone.Y+zone.Height-(120))),0.1*60*dt)[/code:280kfph4]
  • Also about logic in creativity. I think lately specially in AAA titles some asset designs are getting quite ridiculous. Sorry about the large images. Which one you think is more suitaple for the job?

    I think it adds to immersion if the stuff you see feels even somewhat usefull and realistic.

    For game desing aspect you are on the wrong track if you would really but logic and creativity against somehow.

    Edit: If you are more interested about the subject here is one video about skyrim weapons.

    Also many MMO female "heavy plates". Can you find the weakspot if you have to kill the ******

  • Problem is somewhere else than on this event. You are probably instantly changing the animation to default so it doesn't take affect. I would suggest some type of state variable that you take into account when setting idle animations and others.

    For example when you hit the balloon set state variable "ballooning"

    When state "ballooning" and button x pressed set state variable "regular"

    when state variable "regular" and move set animation to walk etc...

  • How about something like Action 52 concept. 52 in 1! Quality doesn't have to follow same design

  • Jase00 Canvas cannot be mirrored but, actually I just noticed that Paster can. However I think that using Sprites and array is still probably simpler. I came up with this.

    Feels a bit like hack to add tons of frames to those Sprites but, works. It still doesn't support anykind of image deleting system or animations but it should be doable.

    Though SptireSheet would be much better for animation and that's another story.

    Edit: Also Canvas and Paster would add a lot of extra memory usage. A bit too unique

  • Well if I make 2x2 empty frames they take virtually no memory and it wasn't too hard to make system to keep track of them using array after all.

  • Also this would be quite important on moddable game (I have issued this before). I understand that most users like to keep their assets safe in package.nw that Node-Webkit makes. However I would be willing to trade this for the ability to users change the game. Seems that not so many are interested on such features but, it would certainly increase the lifespan of the game. Just think about games like Quake, Doom, Half-life, Minecraft, Starcraft or Warcraft 3. How much of their popularity did it affect that they had this option?

    I'm quite comfortable with C2 and I'm quite sure I could make most systems work but, this is one issue it seems I cannot solve without learning JS myself. Even if C2 have some desktop export issues at the moment I would still like to keep using it and not to swich to some other software which would pretty much mean start learning from "hello world" again.

  • [quote:1xv49rnf]2. Have full content added to your main game and unlock them in game if the DLC has been bought / activated.

  • I made this some time ago. For some reason it doesn't work on Node-Webkit if Webgl is on.

  • There is a rope example hereR0J0's experiments

    Maybe that helps.

  • [quote:38gguuy6]Trine is an awesome game! Spotted that on your list. DId you play the original Red Faction yet? If you like FPS games, I would give it a whirl. Granted, I haven't played it since it originally came out on the consoles way back when, It was a pretty fun and innovative game for the time.

    Bought Trine bundle long time ago very cheap. Couldn't really miss that deal.

    I remembered the first Red faction was maybe the first game to have destructible 3d terrain. Don't know much about the later ones, but the bundle was quite cheap so what the heck

    I was a bit disappointed about the Painkiller remake since those games are quite hyped but, I find it quite easy and it makes it a little dull. Haven't played the original so don't know about that yet. Some of the games are just terrible.

  • On CC there was user made plugin called Unique Sprite that was able to draw different images for same instances. Also I guess this same effect could be achieved if we could make frames at runtime using Sprite plugin. What I had in mind was platformer rpg where every part of the character is their own object. You could change you gear and it would load new frame externally at runtime.

    In theory this could maybe be done using Sprite plugin, but it would be unnecessarily complicated and I should add dozen of tiny empty frames and keep track of them somehow.

    Animation support wouldn't be necessary, but wouldn't hurt neither. Tiled BG cannot do this since it cannot be mirrored and scaling would also be beneficial.

    I thought of doing this myself, but I don't have any experience with JavaScript, so it would be quite a messy operation. If this cannot be official feature, could someone in the community be interested of making such a plugin?

    Also if someone knows how to do this without new plugin, it would be much appreciated if you could share your method.

    [PLUGIN]Unique Sprite(no anim,uniqe image per inst

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  • [quote:gy7nk2al]Hey,

    I just started using Construct 2 and I'm a total newbie. I decided to start an rpg but I'm having trouble making my players and npc's walk. I've been used to rpg maker vx, where all you have to do is press a few buttons to make the players walk so this is a big change.

    Example : I would appreciate all the help given.

    You should't start with rpg. At least get used to the program a bit more. On rpg the movement should be least of your problems.

  • [quote:2i04f2ea]...
