KaMiZoTo's Forum Posts

  • Ok I've found where it comes from :

    R187 :" The renderer now experimentally skips rendering layers with zero instances on them,.."

    So we just need to add a sprite (or anything else) somewhere outside the layout and it works again!

  • Damn, since R187 (same in R188 but I never tried the R186), my shaders using this trick don't work anymore.

    I have to work on the R185 to keep it working.

    Anyone else have noticed changes?

  • After several visual attemps, I finally got an interesting 'mood' for the "DipSwitch Caves" area :

  • Beautiful animations! I'm surprised to see 'clean scale animation' done with Spriter!! When I tried it, the scales were completely bugged or ugly. I should have a new try then.

  • I definitely love it! The character design is fun and cool!

    I'm wondering what is the resolution of the game for that cute pixel art style.

    Great job!

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  • This is looking better and better! Can't wait to play!

    The 'pixelate shadow gradient effect' (I don't know how to call it) is beautiful.

  • ahr Ech Wow!!!! Thank you for the trick! It works.

    That will save me a lot of time!!!

    (I'm wondering if setting 0 to the NoiseMask is equal to no CPU use for that 'empty' shader?)

  • ahr Ech Well it won't work as my fx are applied on the layout, not just one layer.

    If I put, for example, a deformation shader on a layer, only that layer will be affected, not the other ones.

    Or I mainly use full screen shaders that need to affect all the screen.

  • If a shader is not in the effects list of the layout, I can do nothing.

    And I don't see any action to 'call' or 'create' dynamically a shader.

  • Hello,

    Here is my issue : I have several shaders for my game.

    My game works with a lot of different layouts (one for each room).

    If I want to have the same visual result, I have to add the shaders needed in EACH layout.

    If I have 100 rooms, and I need to replace a shader by a better one or just adding a cool fullscreen effect for the entire game, I will have to do it 100 times.

    Am I wrong?

    Tell me there's a easier way please!

  • Ok thank you for your answers.

    So I will let my code as it is if creating fx objects has the same CPU usage as spraying manually one .^^

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to do something simple but can't find a way to do so.

    I would like to stick a 'Oneshot particules' emitter to my character and ask it to spray its oneshot when I need. But I can't find any action in the event system to do that.

    Using a continuous spray just for one shot isn't very handy.

    And if I'm trying to do this is to avoid creating an emitter for each fx unless emitter creation is not CPU griddy like the sprites! (I don't know)

    • Post link icon

    Wonderful! That's very good news for the communty!

    Great job!

  • Ashley I've used a lot of sprites to accentuate the effect.

    I've changed my capx and let just 3 sprite blocs. The issue is still here. (not on your computer but on Katala's one and mine.)

    And really, I don't understand why you say : "Closing as won't fix even if there is a problem"

    I don't know how to take it.

  • Yep you're right.

    It seems the problem is only on this set up :

    -Fullscreen Letter scale

    -Fullscreen High Quality

    -Downscaling High quality

    Maybe it's related with that R184 change :

    'If 'Downscaling' is 'High quality', Construct 2 now always ensures the last frame of animations is also padded out to a power-of-two size, ensuring it gets a mipmap and displays with the same quality as the rest of the animation.'