jojoe's Forum Posts

  • Fill an array with everything you want to save.... Save the Arrays Json string to disk, or local storage.

  • there is a pick top and pick bottom, try those.

  • Oops,sorry about that. Hope it works good for you

  • Import your sheet to C2 then save the CAPX. Open the CAPX with 7Zip and look in the images folder. IIRC it should have the sprite sheet cut into little tiles.

  • Hi!

    If you need hundreds of images, and animations, you might try these:

    Make human:


    Use this to animate them:

    Or Blender and free googled Motion capture files for the animating.

    Blender is great for making object renderings too. Just google Free 3D models, and you can render thousands of free 3d items. You can find all sorts of RPG stuff for free.

    If you use a 3D render engine like Blender, making Isometric games is REALLY easy.

    It might save you a little bit of money.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Sounds great. Love the Xylophone!

  • Works great on my 8 Core water cooled 4.0Ghz AMD processor. AMD 6900 1gb graphics card.

  • Hi! Ryuukoko

    Get DropBox:

    install it, and then drag and drop the file you want to upload to the dropbox folder.

    After the file is uploaded you will see a little green checkmark on the icon.

    Right click on the icon and select "Share DropBox link"

    Now on your store page do an upload from URL rather then UPload from your desktop.

    You link will look like this:

    Change the <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused">dl=0 part to a ?dl=1

    That will alow remote downloads, now click the upload button. You should see some success screen IIRC.

  • Reddit wont let you self post, so make throwaway account. Try it in /r/webgames about a week after you actually release it or they get sort of suspicious. There have been quite a few success stories from a good thread on Reddit.

    Steam wont let you trade free game keys for good reviews, but you can do it on Desura still. Desura's front page is a great starting place for an alpha funded game.

    Entering your game in competitions is cool too. If you win you get all kinds of free publicity, and a trophy!

  • Make sure you test on Chrome,.... Firefox sucks for C2.

  • Use a overlapping collision for the floor with offset:

    X: Sprite.X+sprite.width/2

    Y: Sprite.Y+sprite.Height/2

    That will be down and to the right...Detect the floor. Substitue "+" with "-" on the X axis to detect the other side.

  • Yeah! They did a nice job on the animation plugin. Before the tile-sheet object people would use the sprites to draw out the tiles of their map.

    So the Sprite is the deck, and the frames are your cards.

    If you want to save ram you might just have one card face, and card back sprite, then all your card deck sprite would have to have in it is alpha masked face values. This way you crop off the border distance.

    Then you have a face sprite, and the deck sprite on top of it showing the face value frame.

  • Oh yeah locohost, they will have to load the entire sprite sheet. You cant replace just a single tile with a tilemap.

    I just buckle down and make a sprite , and load it up with a loop. Sprites seem to be the most versatile as far as positioning and scaling. Every time i try using Backgrounds as my solution, I get boxed in with limitations. If you used backgrounds you would have to load every single time a card was dealt. With a sprite, it can all be pre-loaded into frames. Then the frame just switched to the right card face when it is needed.

    There is a function called LoadIcon in the example I gave you. You can see there where i load the frame, and then switch to the next frame. (then it loops)

  • Yeah! Tilemaps are much easier to deal with as far as loading lots of images. That is a great solution!

  • "But ultimately the cardSprite will eventually contain every card image in every frame in every instance of each card on the screen. So I may as well just start with a cardSprte that has every card image and then just switch frames based on the Xml data. it's no difference. Am I thinking right? " -- locohost

    You got it

    Yeah get 52 frames in an animation, then cycle the frames and load each frame url.

    You can change animations if you want too as you load the images, so you can break it down into suits or whatever.Might be easier to deal with later if the card animation frame matches the number on the card.