You know for such a simple concept -- essentially a chasing game -- it's....surprisingly addicting! Props to your good execution.
The enemy chaser (what is that thing?) has just the right settings to be fair, I didn't find myself dying for other reasons than my own slip-ups. I like the progression from solid blocks to jump-thru to destroyed, and the random shifting of blocks into death blocks is a neat idea. All the expected powerups are there, which is nice.
The whole experience could definitely be improved with some catchy 8-bit music though, if you're still planning to work on these non-performance areas of your game it would be great. On that note, I think that the player sprite could certainly afford to be....less simple. I mean, the enemy sprite is more detailed.
Because I'm a technical dimwit I don't have much feedback on the performance, just that it works perfectly smooth on my Toshiba laptop (which lags even when running Cave Story) so it's all good over here.
Overall, great gameplay design -- whether or not you continue to polish this game, I'll be on the lookout for whatever you develop after this!
Oh and question -- how did you nab a website just for Super Nut Chase? Do you really have to pay for a web domain and all?
Glad you like it I definitely spent most of my efforts (once the game was playable) on optimizing performance.
Regarding the music, I definitely plan adding some music, was thinking buying some 8bit music online since I have no exp composing 8 bit music
I also have an idea (would like to hear some feedback) for couple of more powerups and enemies, for example adding a powerup clock that would speed up timer, but if the enemy picks it up it would slow down the timer, also some pickups that would make all the blocks jumpthrough, other one that would reset all the blocks, etc...
I also want to make some basic unintelligent enemy sprites that would just go left/right on the platforms, the ones you could jump on to destroy and then they would spawn some of the new powerups... Some "notifications" would also be nice like "Speed lvl2" if you pick up two speed pills in a row, or "Speed lvl3" if you pick up 3 speed pills in the row (pill effect would stack up and make you even faster, jump higher, or make shield last longer)
I did have plans to integrate some "achievement unlocks" (like "ran for 1000 sec", "fell of screen 100 times", "picked up 100 pills" etc...), and also would like to make a multiplayer version (one player is the chaser (that is Unicornman ) others (maybe up to 4 players) are the Nut).
I just don't have that much spare time to learn and test all the things I have imagined (maybe during summer holiday)... Will publish one thing at the time. I also plan launching iOS version. You said you played web version on Toshiba laptop, did you try the Android version?
Regarding the site, it is hosted on a free hosting platform, I used a free template, only thing I paid for is the domain.