JohnnySix's Forum Posts

  • Could you show an example of what you're trying to do, upload the game to somewhere as an exported HTML to show it if you don't want to share the CAPX.

    Assuming you're already using an invisible box as the actual platform behvior object, you can swap it dynamically at runtime quite easily.

    An abandoned project I made a while back did this.

    Press down to change the ball from platform mode to physics mode.

    The only difficulty I encountered was having to duplicate all the blocks to set physics behavior on one, and solid on the others.

  • If it's just one object, you could make it custom movement, then apply angular momentum to its existing speed/angle.

    I made a quick example - it should lerp between the angle its moving and the angle of the wind/force.

    Use the sliders to adjust - it's not perfect but should give you a starting point.

    Right mouse to apply force ( hold down button ).

  • Looking forward to seeing what you create! :)

  • Has anyone had success in getting several sets of movements all in one?

    I'd be curious if anyone is willing to share a CAPX, just to see how others have handled it.

    Perhaps it's something that will be supported in future by construct- further platform movement events like "is crouching" , "is walking against wall" etc.

  • I voted the game over HB - great stuff- very well executed - liked the simplicity and the easing in of the player into the flow of the game.

    I was going to ask - did you make the music yourself? :)

    If so, would you be interested in a remix for a boss stage or something?

    My other passion is music, and most recently remixing - ( Johnny's IndabaMusic Profile )

  • Thanks for running the contest! There are some amazing entries, showing a lot of resourcefulness and imagination in their creations, especially given the constraint of using the free version. :)

  • This looks awesome, just pledged. :)

    You're 54% there!

  • +1 for no subscription , there's nothing worse than "rental" of software.

    Image-Line - the makers of Flstudio have the same "lifetime free updates" model, and offer regular updates and public betas.

    For existing users there are always new plug-ins/sample packs etc that expand on the existing package, but whatever you purchase, be it the program or the add-ons, are all updated for free if a newer version is out. :)

    I think just like the music industry needs to catch up with things, so too do a lot of software companies, and Scirra are doing it right - good communication with userbase and a very competitive licencing system - don't change a thing guys!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I posted in the forum now. :)

  • Made a quick example.

    Just one event with two sub-events to check if Y of the object is greater than the constraint and set it to that.

    Here's another example, with interpolated movement ( so there's acceleration on the character)

    See both here:

  • My Entry - click image to play, very simple gameplay, just mash spacebar.

    Click image to load.

  • I've been making stuff actual size and upscaling manually, though a percentile scale would be welcome in C2, as doing the math on things that aren't neat tile shapes can be tiresome at times. <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Also as squidster mentioned, things are still blurred on webgl - so would be curious myself as to any workaround for that aspect, as the whole effect is lost.

  • I played though earlier - the graphics were fun, especially vampire teeth hahah.

    Just one thing - assuming this is for the phone, would be to make the bacteria a little bigger, and provide some kind of feedback when the 'brush' is down - maybe even add a brush graphic that follows wherever the touch or mouse input is?

    Also, I read the tutorial, but it didn't mention what the furry yellow things were. :D

  • This sounds a lot more complex than previous game editors I've worked with.

    In this example I've managed to get the duck-walk working reliably, but some things are off.

    Example of the flawed animations in the actual game. [ Click Here ]

    Recent Animation test - no working crouch/ladded animations [ Click Here ]

    CAPX , minus turtle.

    Controls are arrows, in the animation demo, SPACE causes time to slow

  • As a stop-gap thing, would it be possible to simply have an entry somewhere in the project properties to set a custom logo.png?

    Just saving the process of overwriting the logo.png file every time when exporting would be very much appreciated. :)