JohnnySix's Forum Posts

  • Uploaded an example of mouse zooming - this could probably be added as a behaviour plugin rather than my messy events, but it works reasonably well as something for someone to improve on :

  • Making progress on the graphics , sloowly.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I made a quick example, hopefully I didn't make it too complex ahah - it's just got some stuff in there so you can customize the amount of zoom and speed, also to do it smoothly, and a little bit faster if you're rolling the mouse fast.

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  • Did you get this working?

  • Is there a difference between setting global variables in say - the "loading/title screen" layout and "level 1" layout?

    Just wondering what best practices is, I already messed up making things like the plane global objects, thinking if I were to reuse them on level2, level3 etc - they would keep the same properties.

  • What is the image format you're trying to import?

    Could you post a screenshot?

    The most reliable format is PNG format.

  • I've got a really simple example, here, 4 layouts- trying to make it restart the level, is there a way to 'reset' a layout?

    Try win the game, and restart - the buildings and the plane don't respawn, but the creatures do!?

    Online :

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    <img src="" border="0">

  • If you're only moving one-dimensionally , for example if the blocks are just falling down on the Y-Axis- you could LERP instead, as this will afford you more predictable movement than phsyics, especially if you want things on-grid.

    Set Gem.Y >   LERP(Self.Y,Self.y+GridSize,1^dt)

  • You could add a short timer that while >0 ignores scoring.

    So if it hits once, the second or third hits won't register until the timer has counted down to 0 again and triggerd scoring enabled.

  • Insert a mouse object on layer, then capture the scroll-wheel via an event.

    If you add sub-events detecting if it's going up or down, then increment zoom based on that.

    I'll do an example when I get home if no-one has done in meantime.

  • Cool - will give that a try tonight - didn't think you could check for imagepoint overlays.

    BTW - when going back to a layout, is there a way to reset it?

    When I trigger the level1 layour again, it only spawns the monsters - see the latest example - if you lose.

  • +1 for swapping/replacing the targets of actions or events rather than creating from scratch each time. :)

    This would be a time saver indeed.

  • Side-scrolling beat-em up next! :)

    You could also add some code based on y-axis for the origins of obstacles, so like streets of rage, turtles or similar, you could hide behind stuff, collect power ups. The only downside would be trying to sort z-axis if you want things like doorways etc.

    You'd have to check whatever the character was overlapping was lower or higher on the y-axis, and if lower (on the screen) set the character to the bottom.

  • Yeah, I tried physics and platform movement (with controls disabled), however neither acted in a very controlled manner - platform slowed the game dramatically, and physics causes the whole building to fall over.

    I've got a newer version working here, with winning/losing - I've now encountered a few new problems as demonstrated in this video :

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    When the 'level1' layout is loaded via "goto layout" event, the aliens respawn but the buildings etc don't, it's rather odd.

    New game version here :

  • I was thinking about this the other day, if an image is reference is made to the same image from different sprites, would it know to reuse the same bitmamp when it comes to runtime.

    To save overhead, unless you're using icons also, you could make them 1x1 pixels and scale them up, not perfect, but perhaps would save you some extra download space.