Joannesalfa's Forum Posts

  • Hmmm... did you try the examples were worked?

  • When Gameloft is hiring to artists, i tried to contact this company with my CV and they were interesed, then i got a mail i should to make a job test for 3 days, make 2 menu using flash:

    and re-make a 256 x 256 to 512 x 512 texture...

    I finished my job and i'm waiting to their replies... actually, i had no replies during some months... i felt abandoned :/

    I don't know why.

  • Thanks for your reply!

    Let me do it when i get chance and i will tell you later about the results, i will upload a cap here

  • That's unique art!

  • Hey, i have a simple question...

    Is hard to be a game designer?

  • Possibly, i was going to participate this compo, but im not sure... i will see i can do it

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hey guys, im wondering how to make an event...

    When you encounter an enemy, the mouse and the keyboard must be temporally desactivated, then the button sequence mini-game activates.

    Look this pic below

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Do you know what does mean this picture? i hope you understand it.

    Finally, if this action is completed, return the mouse and keyboard.

  • > Look this site Here do you think this code may work with fx file for construct?

    The code would work, but wouldn't help much. He is faking a transition, by simply evaluating the grey value of every frame of an already existing transition video (where a transition effect was applied between a black and a white image). So, the hard work (the transition itself) is not coded. All the effect would do in Construct is to look at the red channel of the pixel colors, and if it is below 127 a pixel of the old layout is shown, and if the red channel of a pixel's color is above 127, a pixel of the new layout is shown. The result would be a noisy intermediate, non-transitioning image.

    If you find some real transition code (XNA, HLSL) you like to use, just drop me a line, I'll convert it for you.


    I will find some real codes, it's hard to find transition samples.

  • Yes, implementing javascript is easy, but it depends on some browser like Safari, Firefox and Opera Mobile may support with this accelerometer data.

  • Are transistions OK to use now? In the last post I read HERE , deadeye thinks there may still be issues with them.


    It worked for me... i believe i have ATI X1600 Radeon which supports Pixel shader 3.0... in this case about transition is required to Pixel shader 2.0

    I think we can do a trick to do not use pixel shader 2.0:

    -Make a mask sprite when it goes to next layout, activates horizontal scrolling screen with mask sprite once time.

    Do you know what i mean?

  • I've never done a transition, but it should work as easy as doing effects.

    - fx files are based on HLSL

    - define 'prog'( float prog; ), which returns the progress of the transition from old layout to new layout as range [0, 1]

    - BackgroundTexture for the old layout, ForegroundTexture for the new layout

    Good, thanks for reply.

    Look this site Here do you think this code may work with fx file for construct?

  • Hi Guys, i'm wondering if is possible to make transitions as fx files or other methods for construct like mosaic, fold, slice down, box rain, pattern, etc.

    My regards!

  • This game was awesome, it reminds me from Cave Story.

    I suggest you this game should to have sprite fonts because the main menu its text looks blurred for some reason.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I downloaded your cap, but there's too much going on. Noone but you knows the concept, so I can't say what exactly you are trying to achieve. Could you please do a simple example cap with an explanation where exactly it does not work as intended?

    About ScrollX and ScrollY: They return the center point of the current view. If you don't scroll your layout, then those values never change.


    Window size 640x480, layout size 640x480

    ScrollX, ScrollY will always return 320, 240


    Window size 640x480, layout size 800x600

    ScrollX, ScrollY will return 320, 240

    If you now scroll your layout, using System: Scroll to X 420 then

    ScrollX, ScrollY will return 420, 240

    I made an another simple example cap... well i'm not sure about your methods, i tried to experiment with another methods and it works!

    What do you think about this method? I'm unaware about layout editor may support to fit the 3000 height sprite or 800 height separated sprites at vertical align...

    Actually, i had no idea how to make it when the boss appears should to stop vertical scrolling except a tilemap with animated offset (If you saw my first post). Until The boss dies and the continue vertical scrolling.

    Do you think can you help?

    Sorry, my english is not native language, i hope you understand.
