Another question: when you are not so keen to go back to school (for either financial or commitment reasons), what are the other alternatives? the market tight? Lots of unemployed postgraduates in the field?
Well as I said your best quality would be to be relentless and determined beyond measure. You need energy, conviction and an indestructible moral driven by passion because it's not easy, it really isn't. Not at all. No. But it shouldn't discourage you one second.
So in that regard people who really want to get what they want usually do. If money is an issue, they'll look for other ways. Read aaaaall the time, have an unquenchable thirst to learn, get in touch with professionnals, go to conventions, design board games, produce, produce, produce, offer to do stages, create connections and opportunities.
If they could go to school but it's a commitment issue, well then in all honnestly they should question their commitment to get in this industry as well. If you're one of the lucky few on this planet who can get to school there should be no hesitation really.
But I don't know the details. So I guess my advice in short would be stay hyperactive. :)
I finished my job and i'm waiting to their replies... actually, i had no replies during some months... i felt abandoned :/
No you didn't! You're not a victim, you're a warrior! A goddamn tiger is what I see! Some people could see this as failure, but you remain unsatisfied and see this as an irresistible challenge to prove yourself even more! To raise beyond the masses!
A lot of the ground work is about building and maintaining contacts. You're not simply contacting the company for a job, you first want to make an impression. They've GOT to rememder you. So just keep contacting them once in a while, like they are your friend, keeping them up to date with what you're up to, telling them to watch your latest product, showing them your favorite toy, saying "hey that test you gave me the other day, look, I improved it even more" Of course you got to walk the walk. Also tell them what you love at this company and why you'd fit in.
So yeah it happens all the time, you got no response. Unless they really don't need anyone, it's kind of a test. Really just a few people are really relentless and proactive, always giving more than what the client asks and show a winning attitude, and that's who they are looking for. A Charlie Sheen.
I'm sorry if my answers seems a bit harsh sometime, I really am, but it seems to me like the best way to help. :)
So how about some game design questions? :D