Joannak's Forum Posts

  • Actually.. I'd go as far as saying that the most of the how-do I questions seem to be related to math one way or another. Distances, speeds, enemy prediction, probabilities, Logic (or lack of), trigonometry, basic matrix math, 3d/isometric projections. Makes me wonder don't they teach math anymore?

    I need to think.. There was a time I knew things like this. it's been so many years I have forgotten..

  • I know the feeling..

  • I'd like to know if this is going to be school assignment, commercial product or hobby project?

  • > Best game? Isn't the punishment for falling a little severe?


    I was trying to make a plugin so upon death you also get an electric shock through the mouse (unfortunately I appear to be limited to 5v...)

    You could always crash the game and force player to Reload the Game from C-casette (like 15 minutes or so).

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  • I tend to agree with Lordshiva on this. Teaching the logic and debugging sklills and giving some help is fine but making it all, especially for a school assignment is definitely NONO..

  • Naji ,,, So far I have played your weggie-game trough twice .. But realized that my comments would have been more or less the same stuff Kyriac posted (and you ignored) so there's no point. IMHO that thingy of yours ain't even close to be considered 'release quality' and I'm sorry to put this bluntly, but I consider uploading it to game sites being a mistake.

  • Note: :untested.

    I think you can read the platform speed from the sine behavior and copy to to your character at the begin of jump?

  • What GFX card you have. Construct2 is known to crash on some broken drivers.

    • Post link icon

    This is interesting idea.. The Xml is the 'source' in a sense that it has the necessary data and not (much) extra fluff. Of course implementing everything (or at least most) C2 can offer will take quite a while, but I like the effort.

  • Overall I'd recommend not using Speech Recognition on games at all.. Just because it's quite unstable system and would harm foreign players a lot. For example, i know that even though my English is (almost) ok while written, my pronunciation is so off that I can't use any voice based search or dictation systems. And yes. I have tried more than once and with more than one system.

  • Oh, yeah basic, that was hard. real hard. And sooooooooo, much time.

    Basic is quite easy.. Well, unless you want to do things like gfx or music in C64 (oh the glorious Poke)..

    It was quite a steep step to start making machine code routines. with pokes + sys command. In the end, I'm happy that is no longer necessary.

  • Oh.. yes, you are right. Just need to use full editor instead of Quick Reply to see upload-button. That was something that was part of the new features of forum change.

  • Hmmh.. These kids these days. I wonder how many of them would have guts to make a game with C64 or Sinclair spectrum?

  • I kinds wish there were FAQ of how to ask help....

    Firstly, it's nearly impossible to tell what's the problem on your code unless we can see it. So please, get (like) Dropbox account and upload the capx file there and post a link .... That way we can see the problem and explain the fix to you.