jeffige's Forum Posts

  • Thanks LittleStain,

    Trying to recreate your events to work for mine, but 1st thing i see is the box shoots off the layout. I added wall boh daries in mine to see if that would help. Also, how could i get the box to slow down as in real worl? Would i use physics then adjust friction?

    Thank you, again.

  • Thanks for that LittleStain,

    The end result will be a puck centered at screen bottom. Player swipes a finger or left mouse click and push up on pc, to send the puck upwards to scoding area, which there are 3, just like on a table shuffleboard.

    The swipe/ mouse click should be a very small area as in shuffleboard. When player sends off another puck it should be able to bounce off other pucks. I was thinking i would need to use physics, but i haven't even got to the point of sending the puck off correctly yet.

    Thanks again for any help.

  • Thanks Blacksmith for the reply.

    Since I don't know how to test it on my android phone yet, I am stuck with my pc. J got the puck to move with move toward mouse.x & mouse.y but it the puck moves off the layout. I have solid, bound by layout and physics behaviors for the puck.

    1st, should i start with a general template or with a mobile template since i would like it played on both?

    2nd, i need to add move at angle on start of touch & end of touch, correct?

    I have all the sprites which is only 4 cause i would like to add multi player option, but i wouldn't think something so easy as just sending a puck off could be so daunting. I have worked through multiple tut's and even read through the manual. But if you don't know what questions to ask, you can't ask them, like should i use bullet,physics or none, and should i use move at angle, toward position, or speed.

    Again, thanks Blacksmith for helping out a newbie.

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  • I am trying to create a shuffleboard type game for both pc and mobile, I browsed the forum & tutorials, but seeing how I am a newbie I don't know exactly where to start to implement a swipe event/action.

    I would like to use mouse with click and of course touch and swipe on mobile but most examples already assume you have some knowledge of the two.

    Could anyone point me in the right direction?

    Thank you for any help.

  • I have a gold ball with solid and and bullet movement with angle toward mouse x, y. A silver ball with the same behaviors and

    System - start layout - system create object (random (1, 360) random (1, 360)

    Enemy - bullet angle of motion to random (1, 360) degrees.

    At game start, both balls bounce off walls normally. Silver ball changes direction when hit by gold ball the first time but after that the silver ball will not change direction when hit again.

  • Thanks, again.

    Is it possible to have a reverse lerp? As if the gold ball (player) falls down the hole the hole will spit it back out, say after 1 sec?

  • Thanks for the replies,

    I forgot 1 important point, it's a topdown game. I did get the ball to disappear, but it does so rather quickly. I have messed around with fade out times but get the same result.

    Again, thanks for the help.

  • I am trying to create a game where the BALL (player) must find their way to a hole, but I can't figure out how to make the ball disappear when the roll over the hole.

    Also, do I need an animation for this effect or can i just add the "fade" behavior to the ball.

    Thank you for any help.

  • Please someone correct me if I'm wrong...

    Looking over the forums and tutorials I was looking for "how do I add levels" But it seems they believe you are familiar with C2, which I'm not, yet.

    From what i gathered the (easiest) steps are:

    1) place all sprites, objects, etc... etc... on main layout - layout 1.

    2) copy layout 1 & paste to layout 2. (my game will use the same mechanis, gameplay throughout, only adding Bosses as the levels progress.

    3) change conditions, events & actions in layout per level as needed: "level 5: (Boss 2> health equal/ less than 5.

    That is what my brain has grasped so far.

    In my game there is a 3840X1024 layout. Player will move to the left to destroy enemy tanks, picking up certain random powerups. Player must maneuver/ destroy blocks ("breakout" style) to destroy enemy tanks. At the far edge of the layout a Boss will slide on screen. To go to the next level, Boss must be destroyed.

    There will be a statistics screen for the player to see how well they did, shots fired, enemies destroyed, etc, etc, a scroll/ shimmer splash screen of the games title followed by a "Level(?) splash screen. The powerups will always be onscreen for the player to click on to activate.

    So, does all of this needs to be on main layout and then in each layout for the level be called upon with conditions, actions and events?

    I've only been using C2 for a few weeks, but I am happy with my progress so far. Better than gamemaker & game salad.

    Thanks for any help.

  • Cool, thanks.

    You actually answered another question I was going to ask at a later time about how to handle sound FX. I guess the the sound FX for a tank shot would be the same as the "play heavy music" audio event.

    Thanks, bergmark.

  • It's a side scrolling game. I guess you would call it that, the layout is 3840x1024, and the player tank must maneuver to the left through obstacles and enemy tanks.

    As the player tank gets near the end of the layout I would like the boss tank to scroll into view from the right just off the layout, just in front of the player, say 1 pixel every 0.5 secs.

    Thanks for the reply.

  • I have a wide layout and I would like my enemy boss tank scroll into the layout when my ally tank gets to the edge of the screen.

    Any ideas how to do this? I looked for examples, but none found.

    Thanks for any help.

  • My game plan has changed. I started out with just a static background, but now I would like to have the background wide enough to allow the player to move to the right to finish the level (i guess like a platformer).

    Is there a max width for scrollers? I've seen there is a max width of 800 for the arcade but is that just for static backgrounds?

    Also, I would like the player to be able to move freely around the screen without the camera being centered on him so if he decides to reverse direction the background doesn't move until he gets close to screen edge (say X amount of pixels away) and then the background will scroll into view?

    Is that possible?

    Thanks for any help.

  • No problems :)

    If you have anymore questions just ask.

    Remember, you offered> <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    So, the game mechanics are almost there. Just a few additions then on to creating the levels.

    I'm going to add a health variable for the 2 tanks to be destroyed and a quick 3 frame explosion animation (actually 3 different actions cause I cant figure out the sprite sheet making as of yet), in what group should I put these? Shoot/ enemy shoot for explosions and variable? Or just add another group?

  • I've tried to organize it a bit so it's easier to read, add and modify stuff. The tanks are now both containers (a new feature!).

    I hope this will help you a little bit and give you ideas how you can do stuff in the future.

    Man, that is a beautiful thing. Thank you. Now, I know how things should look.

    One question, ok, three. Can you expand a bit on what you did with the "group shoot"?

    Why the collisions variable on the bullets family to check if player or enemy?

    Why deactivate the "shoot group" until player presses fire?

    Again, thanks so much. It does seem a bit alien to me. But, it will make me learn.