jeffige's Forum Posts

  • My tank shoots multiple bombs and when they travel across screen I can control thier movent by moving the angle of the turret.

    How can I get the tank to shoot only 1 bomb until the other is destroyed and not have the bombs change trajectory when I change the angle of the turret?

    I am making a top down game.

    Thanks for any help.

  • I finally got the turret to stay on the tank and to move along with it. (Yeah for me!) The turret is shooting and the bomb follows the angle of the turret.

    BUT! If I mouse click in quick sucession each bomb will follow the angle of the turret. It looks kinda cool actually. Like they're dancing. But yes, that is not what I want.

    So, how do i get the bombs to follow thier own path after they are created and not diverted by the new angle of the turret.

    Also, my tank drives off screen and I have bound to layout.

    Almost done, How do I get the bomb to bounce off the edge of the layout, like pong or breakout? It will explode after it hits either the enemy base or the enemy tank?

    And again, thanks for all the help.

  • Thanks for the replies.

    Sorry for the newb question but do I need to make the turret a seperate sprite from the tank? Also, how do I accomplish that?

    Again, thanks for any help. This is actually my first attempt at game making, except for the 2 beginner game tutorials.

  • My tank is always facing right in my game. I only need a turn radiousof 3 positions on either side of center. How do I turn the turret but not the tank? Should I use mouse or keyboard for movement since it will only turn a few degrees.

  • Sorry if I don't understand. What did you mean by: give it an impulse?

    Thanks again.

  • I have a tank that shoots a missle from the assets I got from scirra. But when the tank shoots it goes crazy at different angles each time. I tried messing around with the physics but no luck. I need it to shoot at different angles with the turret,only 3 angles, it it needs to go up, come down and explode, taking out a brick when it explodes.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm starting to get a bit frustrated.

  • In my side view game I have a road that spans left to right, a short wall in the center of the road, 1 tank on either side of the short wall and eventually a building on the screens edge that must be destroyed by the tank on the other side.

    I don't know if it matters or not 'cause I'm just learning Construct 2, but the layers are this:

    Layer 4 - Enemy Tank

    Layer 3 - Short Wall/ divider

    Layer 2 - Friendly Tank

    Layer 1 - Road

    Layer 0 - Desert background

    On each Tanks layer I will have a building to be destroyed, i.e, on layer 2 - friendly tank, I will put the building that the Enemy Tank needs to destroy and vice versa for layer 4.

    Now, I don't know if I can have the tanks, the short wall that will divide the sides and the buildings to be destroyed on the same layer or not. I've tried looking through the forum but couldn't find an example of such.

    But the first problem I have is the Tank can pass through the short wall/ divider when I test it. I tried putting it in front of the Tank, same layer and behind it. I have solid as a behavior for both the tank and the wall.

    Thanks for any help.

  • Thanks for the replies and help, to all. I've only been using construct for a very short time. Most of that has been creating my sprites and running animations: on a budget. Dang that's hard!

    IsometricRobot, so what would the sprites look like. It's only going to be a 640 x 480 screen. No scrolling. The only movement will be left & right.

    Would I make the sprites look like the background that would be visible if that part of the building were destroyed?

    Thanks again.

  • I was wondering if it's possible to destroy a building piece by piece.

    I have an object (castle) I made in an image editor. It's made of blocks. Can it be destroyed block by block or do I have to assemble the castle in Construct 2 block by block for it to be destroyed in such a manner kinda like breakout?

    Thanks for any help.

  • Umm, nothing.

    Long story short: I was creating a sprite for a different game, when I was browsing for examples this idea came to mind for a new take on breakout. I just finished the background and sprites when I started to have different ideas about the game and how to implement it.

    So, in general: I have a desert background, a road that spans left and right at the screen bottom. A guard tower centered on the road with a short wall dividing the sides. A tall barracks building on each of the far edges of the screen with a flag atop the barracks. There will be 2 tanks on either side of the wall. Each tank (1 controlled by a human and the other by cpu) will attempt to destroy the others barracks. Kinda like breakout.

    I just created each object- background, road, tower, wall and tanks. I did the beginners tutorial (ghost shooter) but finding it hard to find the correct events/ actions to control the tank. When I move forward the tank goes off screen. I tried bound to but it didn't work. When I reverse, the tank flips upside down. And I can move up & down. Which I only need to move left and right. Dont' know if it's correct but, I wanted to start with getting the tank moving in the right directions. Also, the tank drives behind the tower.

    I tried looking through the manual, no help there.

  • In my game I have 2 players, 1 is controlled by a human and the other by the cpu. They throw a bomb back and forth across a line in the middle of the screen,( I plan on randomizing the exploding times of the bomb: 3 to 5 seconds), if the bomb reaches the far edge of the screen, the other side gets an extra player that is attached to the first player and the 2 move in unison.

    When one player fills their side(from middle line to screen edge) they win. The extra men that come out will be able to die if that side holds the bomb too long and it explodes, killing the last man that came out. Also, if the player is too far from the line in the middle of the screen the bomb will not clear the line, making it bounce back onto the side of the player that threw it and increasing the chances that it will explode on that side. Kinda like tennis or volleyball.

    How would I make sure the CPU player does not cath the bomb before it bounces to the sceens edge everytime? In otherwords: A human player may miss the ball every once in a while. I'm thinking the CPU player may catch it every time. Am I correct in this thinking? And, How would I randomize the CPU player time on holding the bomb?

    Thanks for any help.

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  • If my player will only take up about an inch on a computer screen how many frames would I need? I've read some people suggesting 8 or even 12. The game I am working on will be a platform. Kinda like Mario.

  • It will be a platformer. Kinda like that little blue guy... Mario. You will be able to go forward and back, incase you miss a power up, at your own risk of losinjg the game.

  • Thanks for the reply Whiteclaws-A.K.A Kbdmaster,

    I haven't figured out the start but I plan on having 3 kids standing at the beginning of an obstacle course talking smack about who can finish first. The Human player (Player 1) and 2 other players controlled by the computer. I plan on having a few power ups along with other objects that they can collect as they run through the course. It won't be an obstacle course per se, (no ropes to climb, ladders to scale etc. etc.

    There will platforms, hollowed out tree trunks that will hold secret power ups and things like that.

    I was hoping that the other 2 characters running the race could be controlled by the computer, - but not running on a pre determined route. Maybe running toward a power up, wether that power up be up high on a platform or down low in a tree trunk. But if the Human player gets to it first, the CPU characters will continue on toward the next special power up. Again, whether it be high, low or somewhere in the middle.

    The race concludes when all 3 players have crossed the finish line.

    It sounds difficult now that I write it out. This will be my first undertaking in game creation. Blame it on Construct2. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • In the game I am currently creating I would like my Dude to race against 2 other characters as they run on obstacle course picking up objects for points and power ups.

    Is it possible to have the other 2 characters controlled by the cpu to have them chase these objects and power ups? Also, will it affect the mechanics if say A.I Player 2 chases after an object or power up and the Human Player or A.I Player 1 gets to it first - thus making the object or power up disappear?