jeffige's Forum Posts

  • HA! You would think so, but it's actually been asked quite a lot of times around here.

    1st, set the function.

    'Function' > On (name your function) - 'Function' > Set return value to RegexReplace(Function.Param(0) & "", "(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)", "g", "$&,")

    Then -

    YourTextBox > Set text to Function.Call("name your function", GlobalVariable)

    From the 1st part (name your function) will be the same as the 2nd part ("name your function"

    This will only give you the commas: i.e $1,000,000

  • Hmmm....You could try and play around with the time scale 1st. You don't have to have it at 1 or 2 or 3. You can put it at 1.3, 1.6, etc. etc.

    You could also change the object time scale for certain objects or enemies, or yourself.

  • Sounds like you want the Persist behavior.

    If you have an object at X-300, Y-600 and move it to X-500, Y-900, when you leave the layout and come back, it will be still be at that 2nd position, X-500, Y-900.

  • Sorry to hear that.

    As far as size goes, in C2 it shows around 20mb, play store it shows around 27mb, varies for some reason. Even though its almost the exact same build, but it stays between 57mb - 64mb.

  • If you do it right, it will work. I always do it this way. Also you can always unpublish and republish your app.

    But I ensure nothing

    I Love You


  • It could be any one of issues. Best bet is to upload a capx so we can test it. You may get quicker and better help this way.

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  • Yeah, that's what i was thinking. About it forcing a pause.

    I just omitted the music in that part of the game, for now.

  • Thanks again, Andreas

    That's what i was wondering. The guy on live chat in google dev console said yes, it would be live, but then he also said they don't normally handle these type of questions. Say what?

    So okay, I'm gonna trust ya, brother. You seem like one of the more experienced on here.

    But if you're wrong.... we're gonna have to talk.

  • Publishing only the game service doesn't make your game live.



    thanks for the reply Andreas

    I'm alpha testing only my apk, not game services. I'm having a problem logging in to google game (get an error box). So i asked this chat guy if the problem could be that i haven't published the game services yet, cause i was under the impression that if i do, along with the apk, it would make it public.

  • Layout size doesn't really matter. It's what the cpu has to draw to fill in that that 170 mb of memory.

    Have you looked at what Ashley talks about on desiging for mobile?

    Think of a phone as a small storage unit. Your the 3 bedroom house you have to pack into it.

    When i first started, i wanted to go big. But soon found out that ain't happening. I had to try and figure out (through reading manual entries and posts) how to pack 10lbs of crap into a 2lb bag.

    My 2nd or 3rd attempt at designing a game used about 130mb of memory. I gave up. Came back and designed a much smaller one.

    After being away for about a year, i went back to that previous it down to under 80mb, which is still a little high, but i learned how to pack that 2lb bag more efficiently.

    Layout size doesn't really matter. It's that huge bg image that is being drawn along with the 1000 other objects.

    Also, check your objects in the image editor (i think its called) is there large amounts of transparency between your objects and the edges? Crop it out.

    Physics is probably the biggest drain on cpu's. Are you using it in your game? Check collision boxes. Check overlap on collision boxes...

    There is a ton of things that can cause your game to drop.

    Your mission, should you accept it, is to learn what those things are. And then figure out how to get that 10lbs in that 2lb bag.

    Also, and this is a biggie, we love capx's. The more experienced persons on here can look at it, instead of asking 100 questions in 20 posts, and see what's wrong. And you're bound to get a bit more help with a capx, instead of some dope typing up a long post and taking up space.

  • I was live chatting with someone through the google dev console today, and i asked if publishing the google game services will make my game live, even though i am only alpha testing my apk.

    They said yes, but someone else said no.

    I'm getting an error when i try to login to google play games on mobile, the live chat guy said i would get an error till i publish it. And of course i don't want to make my game live when i still have a few bugs.

    Does anyone know if publishing google game services will actually make my game

  • Are you sure it's not already in your project? It should be there. If not....that is weird.

    Look in your object types folder. Sometimes i add things and forget to put them in the right sub-folder.

  • If you were a bit more specific, or elaborated a bit more, you'd get more responses. As it reads now, have no clue what you're talking about.

  • You say the player gets destroyed?

    You could also try: Player - is on screen (sub event on left mouse clicked - Fire bullet.

  • Or you could try and move the top part of the collision box down a couple pixels.