jbmoyer's Forum Posts

  • Hello, I recently bought this app, very nice. The OnExit confirmation. On android when I click back I get a popup "Are you sure you want to exit" How did you code that? I dont see that in C2, did you do that in Intel XDK or something? thanks

  • Holy Cow I think I figured it out. dirty I'm sure, but check it out.

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  • I'm sure there is a simple way to do this but everything I try fails. I have 3 instances of an object. On touch I add 5 to an array value and I set the opacity on the instance touched to 50%. Essentially creating a toggle. The user can toggle each one one/off I have that working and the array adds/subtracts 5 for each one toggled np.

    The issue I have is if you hit NEXT (another object in the game), I reset the opacity of all 3 instances to 100%. Reason for this is that you are now on the next player and can toggle them on/off for him. The NEXT object cycles through all players back to the first player. What I want to do is when you come back to a player that you already toggled some to 50% I want the 3 object instances to show that.

    For example:

    Player 1: 2 of 3 toggled

    Player 2: 1 of 3 toggled

    When you cycle back to player 1 the game should set the opacity of 2 of the instances to 50%. I can use the value in the array (which would be 10 in this case) to get the number of instances to set to 50% (array value/5 = 2). What I cant figure out is how to set the 2 instances to 50%

    I hope someone follows that logic and can help. thanks

  • YOUR KIDDING ME!!!!!! Ahhhh been killing myself over this and it was origin point based, man what a nightmare. Just tweak the code and the Origin point and TADA! works like I expect. Wow thank you, feel stupid. Thanks!

  • So I messing around with 100% width on sprites and no matter what I try, doesn't come out as expected. So I created a sprite and set its width to ViewportRight(0) expecting it to "stretch" from the left side to the right, but it only goes about halfway.

    I tested by setting the position or ViewportRight(0) and the sprite snaps to the right edge. Why wont it "stretch" 100%? thanks

  • Excellent, thank you. I did find Scale Outer eventually. I was not able to get the Orientation to work, but was able to force it to landscape with Intel XDK. I really appreciate the responses.

  • Awesome thanks

  • Im interested in following some game jam channels. Does anyone know of places where i can pop in my email get notified of Jams? Free or for prizes, just looking to build my skills and have a purpose . Thanks

  • That is great information but not exactly what I'm looking for. I have posted screen caps of what is happening and what I'm looking to accomplish. Any help would be awesome. thanks

    Current App


  • Really hate to ask this as im sure its somewhere. Here goes

    Developing an app/game for a mobile device, ipad, android etc... Is there a way to make the game resize when the device is rotated so it fits the screen?

    In portrait the d pad a/b button are on the left and right respectivly. Rotate the device to landscape and the controls shift/slide left/right to fill screen.


  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create New from Template: Platformer

    2. Add Mouse, Sprite Bullet

    3. Add Bullet Behavior to bullet sprite

    4. Add on left click of mouse and spawn bullet from player

    Observed result:

    I added Mouse and a Sprite Bullet. Onclick of left mouse fire bullet from player. That works, BUT it fires offset like 100 pixels below the player. Not sure why, the logic is dead simple.

    Expected result:

    Bullet should fire from 0 0 of player

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: not tested

    Internet Explorer: not tested

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows Vista

    Construct 2 version:

    Beta 149, but saw in last stable as well.

  • I am struggling bad to wrap my head around using arrays in C2. I am a database programmer and anything I build I put the data in a db and can eaily loop it to get data or hit a record direct. Can someone help me relate that in Array terms?

    What I am looking to do I think is dead simple, but my brain is fighting. Store the below values so I can access them later:

    Name   Type    Buff

    Sword Weapon   1

    Helm   Armor    0

    Three values for an Item, two items total. How does this look in an array?

    I was thinking Array Width-3, Height-2, but for the life of me no mater how I build/store and retrieve it, it dosent come out right.


  • They are about 5px away from each other, but in the end what I was looking for is more of a confirm type click, so what I ended up doign is adding a InstVar and onTouch add 1, when it equals 2, then GO!. Thank you for the help.

  • Thanks GeometriX I do have them a fair distance apart, I guess what I am thinking is what if they accidentally clicked one but meant another? Guess I need to add a confirmation type effect. Ok thank you.

  • Hello, I am working on a Touch application and a few of the touchable items are rather close to each other and I am trying to come up with a way to make it so that a user dosent inadvertently touch one thing and mean to touch another. Also thinking of adding a "are you sure/confirm" type effect but that could get real annoying.

    What are some ways that you have come up with to work around this issue? I can see it being a big problem, especially in my app where onTouch things happen and there is no going back, I can see where this can be a real pain point for users.
